TVD convention | Ian

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Imagine your roommate gets tickets to go to a TVD convention...

"Y/N!!!" I hear my roommate yell across the apartment. God what is it now, it better not be the stupid microwave again.

"WHAT. IS IT THE MICROWAVE?!" I yell back, thinking it's just the microwave.

"NO" she yells again. I then hear footsteps and now she's running full speed at me.

"Look what came in the mail today" she tells me with a huge smile on her face and looks like she's about to take off like a rocket.

"What the hell is this?" I say kind of confused as to why she's excited about this one mail.

"What do you mean 'what the hell is this?' These are the tickets I was telling you about" she says still smiling.

"The what?" I say still confused because I don't remember her saying anything about tickets.

"You know... the tickets to the convention" she says and at this point I'm totally lost.

"What convention?" I say and now she looks like she's going to whack me in the face.

"ITS THE VAMPIRE DIARIES CONVENTION" she says practically screaming in my face and I just look at her.

"The vampire what now?" I ask with confusion still on my face.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" she whispers and shakes her head in disbelief. Am I missing something here?

"You don't know the vampire diaries really?" She says still in disbelief.

"No is that like a band or something?" I ask. As u can probably tell by now I'm still completely lost as to what the fuck she's saying.

"NO WHAT? It's literally the best fucking show ever and it has like the hottest cast. How have you never heard of it?"

"Uh I don't know maybe I just don't have time to watch tv shows all the time." I say still looking at her.

"Well then what do you do in your free time?" She asks and I look at her like she's fucking stupid.

"I read but you should know that because we fucking live together" I say stating the obvious and she looks back at me.

"Oh yeah right" she says. She then yanks my arm and starts to run out the door.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I say as she's dragging me to the exit.

"I got two tickets and you're coming too" she saying still dragging me.

"Don't you have someone else to go? I don't even know the show, why would you bring me?" I ask confused again.

"Because you're my fucking best friend and I want you to be there with me" she says looking back smiling and continues to bring me to the car.

We enter the car and she brings up the gps. She then enters the address and... what the fuck?

"GEORGIA. ITS IN FUCKING GEORGIA?!" I say about to murder her. No way in hell we are driving that far. We live in fucking New York City and don't get me started on how long the traffic will be leaving it.

"WELL YES THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING CLOSER" she yells back at me and I stare at her still in shock.

"Fuck it. Just drive and let me know when we're there. I'm gonna sleep because I'm so fucking tired it's not even funny." I say putting a hat over my eyes and laying back letting darkness take over me.


I wake up to some sort of bang and I bolt up.

"What the fuck was that?" I say rubbing my eyes adjusting to the light.

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