Enemy? | Damon (smut)

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Imagine you and Damon are enemies...

I swear the next time Elena asks me for something I will say no. Elena is my best friend and I would do anything for her but what she did yesterday was making me want to strangle her. She made me come with her to Stefans house and didn't mention that she set up a double date with me and his brother Damon.

She thinks if I were to get with him I could "change him" but no, never in a million years. I hate Damon to my literally core. When I first moved here I immediately became friends with Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline. The four of us were so close to each other, we were like siblings. Then when Stefan moved to town that's when shit starting going bad. People were getting killed in our town way too much. I then figured out myself that Stefan was a vampire and told Elena because they were dating. She freaked out and confronted Stefan and he told her everything. I then found out that Stefan had an older brother named Damon. I soon realized he was also a vampire and tried to out them to the sheriff but that didn't go well. Let's just say Damon "dealt" with me at the time. He would compel me and drink my blood. Stefan then found out and rescued me. He also gave me a vervain bracelet so he won't come after me anymore. Damon then got mad about that and him and Stefan literally started to beat each other up. they didn't even talk to each other for like a week. Ever since then i've tried avoiding Damon and even Stefan. I don't know if I even mentioned that to Elena, but I hope now she got the memo for my hatred for Damon.


"Are you sure you just need to pick up one thing?" I ask wanting to get the hell out of here. Seeing this place gives me bad memories when Damon kept me in the basement compelling me.

"well yes... and one other thing." she says quickly opening the door revealing Stefan and Damon walking up behind. Oh no.

"Hell. fuck this." I say quickly turning around trying to get as far away as possible, but today was not my lucky day. Elena then grabbed me and started pushing me towards the entrance.

"Elena why the fuck did you really bring us here?" I say pushing the other way so I don't go further in the house.

"You, Damon, Stefan, and I are going to have a double date." She says with a huge smile on her face.

"Elena I love you, but that was the dumbest fucking idea i've ever heard in my life." I say still trying to back up but she keeps pushing me forward.

"I think you should stay Y/N it'll be a lot of fun." Damon says smirking.

"Fuck you" I say giving a death glare and he looks back putting his hand on his heart looking hurt.

"That was so mean of you Y/N, Elena tell Y/N how mean that was." He says innocently and Elena looks at me.

"That was pretty mean Y/N." She says and I look at her shocked.

"You're siding with this asshole!" I say not believing the betrayal i'm feeling right now.

"No, you know i'm always on your side..." she says but I stop her.

"So let's fucking leave." I say and grab her arm but she stops me.

"But I also agree that it will be fun if we do this and learn more about Damon." She says and I want to kill myself.

"Fine, but only this one time." I say and she runs to Stefan. I take this as a chance to leave.

"Oh no you don't." Damon says speeding in front of me grabbing my shoulders.

"Let me go Damon you can't compel me." I say trying to get out of his grip.

"I'm not going to compel you because we both know that will be useless from the vervain." he says and I roll my eyes.

"But you are going to have this dinner and i'm going to enjoy every part of it." He says and I scoff.

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