I'll take care of you | Damon

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Imagine you wake up one morning feeling absolutely horrible...

*Beep Beep Beep*

I roll over in my bed annoyed with my stupid alarm beeping over and over again. I already know I need to get up for school, but instead I decided to lay here under my covers for another 5 minutes because i'm way too tired for this shit.

"Ugh just shut up already." I say with my morning voice as the sheet is over my head. I already know when I remove this sheet from my head my eyes will just burn to death from the sun.

Instead I just lift my hand from the bed to hit the clock hopefully it stops it's annoying beeping. I try to hit it once but I miss. I try hitting it again and I miss also. I then try a third time but instead of hitting it I accidentally swipe it off my nightstand onto the floor. As it hits the ground I can hear it shatter and I cringe at the sound. great.

"Are you fucking kidding me today." I say annoyed. I also noticed when I said that my throat did hurt a little but maybe its just in my head. I then lift the sheet and... oh my god. It feels like my head is going to explode. Or even maybe it feels like someone is punching me in the face. I don't know what it is, but all I know is that it's so painful I almost cry right there.

I try to stand up but... you know what nevermind i'm just gonna lay back down. I also notice that no one is home right now because my parents are on an away trip. That means I could just stay here and...

*ring ring ring*

I look over at my phone and Damon is calling me.

"The fuck you want man whore." I say already in pain from this damn disease I have and seeing his name probably made me worse.

"okay um ouch.. my name is Damon not man whore..." He says but I cut him off.

"I don't care. What do you want that you had to ruin my day with your voice." I say obviously pissed off with him.

"okay if you're pissed off about last week..." I then cut him off again.

"Nooooo.. why would I possibly be mad about last week about the part where YOU bring a GIRL over YOUR house where YOU specifically asked ME to meet you because you admitted you LIKED ME." I pause for a moment then he tries to speak then I talk again.

"And you know whats crazy is how stupid I was all this time that I wasted my time liking a man who just likes to dick around and not give two fucks.." He then cuts me off.

"Y/N STOP!" He yells through the phone.

"STOP WHAT?" I yell back out of breath from all the rambling I did.

"JUST STOP OKAY?.. Yes in the past maybe I was a 'man whore' but this past year you have changed me of all people. You are the most interesting and funniest person i've ever met. Every time i'm with you I'm the happiest man alive. That girl you saw that I brought home was nothing. After I told you I liked you that day I don't know why I was so nervous about it. I was at the grill and got drunk and then got a little hungry. She was the first person I saw, so I dragged her home so I could um.. have dinner?.." I needed to stop him there.

"Okay i've heard enough. I don't need to hear the part of you wanting to eat someone but, I loved everything else you said. Did you mean all of that?" I say hopeful.

"I meant every single word. I do actually really like you Y/N. You are by far my favorite person in this world. You are my person. Im sorry you had to see that on that one night but, I promise i'll make it up to you. Maybe like tonight even.." He says but this time he sounds hopeful.

"Damon, I don't know about today because I feel.." He stops me.

"What's wrong?" He says quickly. I kinda don't want him to know i'm sick right now. I also don't want him to know I'm also about to skip school because of it...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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