The Accident | Damon

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Imagine you're driving home, but you get in a horrible accident...

*ring ring* I look over and my phone is ringing. I look down from the wheel to pick it up and I see that it's Elena calling. I look up and I see two bright lights shining right at me. I slam on my brakes and swerve to the right.

"That was a close one." I say in relief. I then look at my phone and notice it's still ringing. I should probably not mention she almost got me into an accident because then it will just freak her out. I then press the answer button on my phone.

"Hey Elena what's up." I say trying to sound as happy as possible.

"Hey Y/N you left your wallet and sweater here at my house." She says and my eyes go wide.

"Shit I knew I forgot something. I'll be back there in like 5 minutes." I say kind of panicked.

"Ok see you in 5." She says and hangs up.

I then turn my car quickly around, as I was doing it my phones falls down towards my feet. I look down to see where it is but i can't find it.

I look back up and I see a car swerving into my lane and back into his. He does this a few times and I come to the conclusion that he might be drunk. I go to use my break but it isn't working. I try a few times and it's still not moving. I then realize my phone managed to get under the brake and now I can't stop. The car then swerves to my lane again and I try to beep my horn to see if he will move but my car is going too fast. I close my eyes and wait for impact because I already know this isn't going to go well. The other car was most definitely speeding way too fast and I can't even brake. At this point i'm praying for dear life. *Crash*


I wake up surprised that i'm even alive and struggling to breath for air. I try to move but it's no use my legs feel paralyzed but I can only move my arm. I look around and my car is flipped sideways. I then see the other car is flipped upside down and on fire. I'm pretty sure the other person must have died from impact or maybe passed out because no one is moving. I then start to smell gas... that's not good.

The other car then explodes and I cover my eyes still praying that this is just a dream. I look next to me because i'm flipped sideways and see my phone next to my head. I grab it and see that it's still working. I then dial 911 and move the phone closer to my ear.

"911 what's your emergency?" The woman says on the other line and i'm trying to collect my breath to speak.

"h-hi I was just in an accident and i'm really hurt and I think the other guy is dead. i'm flipped sideways and can you please help me?" I say panicking with tears streaming down my face.

"Yes we are here to help you where are you exactly? She asks and my mind goes blank.

"I'm at uhh... oh yeah, i'm right by wickery bridge." I say and i'm starting to feel kind of sleepy.

"Ok we are sending an ambulance on your way stay where you are." She says then hangs up.

I then look at my phone and scroll through my contacts. I see his name and I then press the call button.

Damon's POV:

I'm sitting on the couch drinking bourbon when all a sudden my phone starts buzzing. I pick it up and see that my girlfriend Y/N is calling. I then press answer.

"Hey baby." I say happy that she called because i've had a crappy day which is why i'm drinking. I then hear heavy breathing which makes me worry a little bit.

"Y/N?" I say standing now hoping she answers me.

"Damon..." She whispers then coughs for a second.

"Y/N what happened? Where are you?" I say thinking of horrible thoughts that are crossing my mind.

Damon Salvatore One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now