Chapter 8

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Welcome to Chapter 8 - thank you everyone who has read, voted and commented so far on this story - I never know what to write in these parts expect I hope you enjoy this new chapter - enjoy!!

Back in Beacon Hills

By time everyone had arrived back to the Sheriff station they were both emotionally and physically drained, so many questions rattled around their heads as to where Stiles could have gone next? They had left the FBI behind trying to uncover as much information as they could but what everyone had witnessed so far has scarred them all emotionally.

Everyone walked into the Station and head directly in Sheriff's office, closing the door behind them as they didn't want to answer loads of questions right now. Chris collapses onto one of the sofas in the room before pulling the drive out of his pocket and connects it to his laptop; he starts downloading all the data he managed to recover, hoping someway this may help them.

The door opens unexpectedly making the occupants in the room jump but quickly relax as they notice it is Melissa entering with the help of Deputy Clarke, they are carrying either a tray of mugs or cakes before settling on them down on the coffee table before Melissa thanked Deputy Clarke before starting to make everyone a drink as the Deputy left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks Mum, you didn't need to do this." Scott states excepting a mug and a piece of cake with little protest as his Mum just waves off his attempted protest.

"Nonsense. You have all had a trying day and knowing the majority of you very well, I know you wouldn't have stopped to eat and heavens know Stiles needs you all at the strongest. Besides, I had to come her to advise that the Hospital is on standby for when you do find him, just in case any injuries are received and need treating." Melissa advises while still preparing everyone's drinks just the way they like them and handing each a piece of cake not allowing them to refuse either.

"Thanks Melissa, much appreciated." Noah states giving her a kiss on the cheek before settling down behind his desk and silently eating his food. Once she was all done, Melissa sat herself down next to Chris who had barely registered that she had even entered the room.

A comfortable silence fell over the room as they finished off their drinks and cakes, the only sound that could be heard was slight sniffles or Chris's typing away. After what felt like hours but was probably only half an hour, their patience was reward as Chris managed to crack through and find some information.

"I am making progress on what I managed to download, so from the records I have it appears it was around four days ago Stiles was placed within the Maze. It appears WCKD did uncover the security breach created by him leaking the information out. It appears the final person entered around a two days later, under the name of Teresa; it shows she was very loyal to WCKD and volunteered to enter the Maze." Chris advises reading out the information present on his laptop, the others listening closely for anything possible to help them track where Stiles currently was.

"Why on earth would someone volunteer to enter the Maze? Especially after knowing what happens once you enter the Maze." Noah asks in utter shock that someone would even volunteer themselves for something so horrid.

"From the looks of her records, she lived at the WCKD compound for the past six years after the death of her mother; she seemed to report directly either to a Mr Janson or appears Ava Paige herself. Huh, also appears she was one of the lead developers of the Maze trial along with.... Oh my god that can't be true." Chris explains before stuttering to a stop and staring at his screen with his mouth hanging open, in pure shock as to what he was reading.

"Along with who, Chris??" Rafael asks as his stomach drops from realising what name Chris has found, but deep down hoping he was wrong somehow.

"The two main contributors to the Maze Trail; everything from the design to what was contained inside was Teresa and Thomas aka Stiles Stilinski." Melissa states reading the information from over Chris's shoulder as he fails to answer Rafael's question.

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