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I had been at the tower for almost a year now and have yet to meet the sixth Avenger. His name was Hawkeye aka Clint Barton. From what I have gathered on him, he typically stays at sheild bases when he is not working, he works a lot and is almost never actually at a base. Though today seemed different.

All of the Avengers were up early, even Tony and Stephen forced him to sleep last night. They were all being productive, then oddly enough there was Natasha who was in the vents. This made no since to me but I stayed out if it and listened like i normally do. I stood at the side and watched and listened.

"Fury suspended him from work for a week. He hasn't slept or really eaten anything for a month. Though it doesn't surprise me he can still function at almost 90%, he is a stubborn guy. Sending him to stay here was Phil's idea. " Bruce explained to Steve.

"It is definitely going to be nice having our resident sniper around again." Steve added with a smile as he started the coffee machine.

At this point it was completely obvious to what was going on. Clint was moving in. It would be a lie to say I am not tarified of the idea of another person in the tower. I just got used to the routine here. I just figured out when, where, and what conversations I can participate in.

Natasha jumped out of the vent with a smile, the real one I haven't seen in a while. "Just got the nest finished, and he should be here in about 15 minutes" she spoke proudly.

"Good, I got the coffee running, and his actual room is set back up along with the Archery range. Everything is a go. We just have to kill the time." Tony says with out his usual Snark.

I was surprised to hear him talk without it. He must really care about Clint.

Currently I am the youngest physically in the tower, 27. To my knowledge Clint is 24. He is also the world greatest marksman. I remember that from our brief meeting while I was the winter soldier.

The 15 minutes pass fairly quickly. All of us walked down to the garage to welcome him to the tower, I was welcome to join them and I happily complied. I am very eager to meet him. Well now that I won't be trying to kill him.

A typical black sheild car pulls into the garage. It slows to a stop, with every small second that passes I regret coming to the garage without a gun. I know I shouldn't be scared but I am. He could perseve me a a threat, I wouldn't blame him for it, I did try and kill him once.

A tall thin blonde male with purple hearing aids and a black tee with a purple Hawkeye insignia on it, a purple zip hoddie that is way to big on him, and a pair of black sweet pants with a small black widow insignia on the thigh on. He had a case in his right hand and a quiver in his left. Steps out of the car.

This man smiles at all of us. He doesn't look like he hasn't slept in a month, though I can definitely see the lack of food. He shut the car door and sets the case and quiver down as Natasha eagerly walked to him and hugged him.

Their hug was tight and so genuine and intement I almost looked away. Though the hands on his back were gentle, as if he was hurt but it seems natural for them. Then shortly after the pair hug the rest of the Avengers get in on it all just as gentle with his back.

I watched, not in a creepy way, it was kinda awkward to be honest, until the group hug ended. Clint walked up to me and offered a hand.

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye it is a pleasure to finally meet you" he said imfasizing the you part.

I hesitated took his hand. It was rough and calloused, but somehow soft. He held firm but gently. It was odd. I find him odd and I just met him.

Though I don't understand why, but his presence relaxed me. Not a lot but a little. It also could have been the fact he isn't trying to kill me right now.

I let go if his hand befor it became awkward.

We all stood outside and chatted for a while. I mostly stayed out of the conversations and just listened but I did participate a little. Only briefly when being a sniper came in to the conversation.

Once we got back inside Clint went to his room to unpack and said he would be back down for the coffee in a moment. They all nodded and sure enough he did.

Natasha forced him to eat some food. It was funny to see him argue with her while having already dane what ever she told him to do.

We watched movies, Clint fell asleep leaning on Natasha after the opening credits of the first movie we watched.

I knew that the pair were close. They had been partners since they met. Not just in the field, but he was the first person she called when something went wrong and she didn't know what to do, and I figured that it was the same the other way around given the calls from him to her that he had heard.

She took his aids out and handed them to Tony who took them to his room.

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