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I sat there and played with the dog while steve patched Clint up. It was interesting to watch. Not necessarily Steve patch him up, but the wings themselves.

Clints reaction to them. He doesn't seem to like them all that much. He also seems to be getting the hang of them being there. It was odd given I though he was born with them. But I guess he wasn't, I want to know more but I'm not going to force him to talk for my behalf. If he tells me that's on him, and I would be glad he trusts me.

I was now laying on my back with the dog in top of me licking my face. He was a cute dog. On the collar in said arrow but that isn't what Clint has been calling him.

Clint seems to call him lucky. So that is what I called him, he responded to it I am slight impressed. It was a fairly calm moment i was calm and relaxed a little bit, that was until I heard Clint yelp, his whole face scrunched up in pain for a second as steve finally got the bullet out. Both I and Lucky looked over worried steve had just gently stroked Clints leg to get him to relax a little, and out of sympathy.

It was clear to me that he didn't like anyone or anything touching his wings.

"I got it out. Just got to clean and stitch it up."Steve said softly.

Clint nodded and composed himself while steve finished up. Though it wouldn't take much to know he was in pain. I watched the way Steve patched him up. Clint holding his wing outstretched the way it was currently seemed to be like holding your arm out, it was slightly tiring.

(Time skip)


It was about a week later when I saw the wings again. It was about 12 in the morning and neither of us should have been up at all. I had walked into the shooting range to see him shirtless, shooting not his bow but a handgun. I though that was a little odd for him but didn't question it considering he had a gun holster on his mission suit.

He isn't an idiot dispite what most would think. Its all an act he puts on.

He looked like he hasn't slept in a while.  I was concerned about that but did nothing about that matter. I did however have my first real conversation with him, one that I, even to my own surprise, had started.

"Hey, Barton"i started trying to be friendly and not scary.

"Hey. Barnes. Why are you up?" He countered as he set the gun down on the counter.

I smiled softly at him."I just couldn't sleep, you?" I asked letting some of the concern shine through, I don't push for answers though.

"Same, came here to clear my head. The repetitive motion normally helps." He mumbled the last part but he knew i could hear him.

"I understand that, its why I came here." I agreed.

"Well since we are both here want to have a compilation. We are both amazing snipers after all." Clint said only a slight hint of jokingness in his voice.

I chuckled and smiled genuinely, it has been a while since I have shot with someone just as good as me, no he is even better.

"Hell yea!" I said eagerly.

We both discussed the terms. A thirty minute training session on the hard setting, the one with the most kill shots win. It was a lot of fun, trash talking back and forth like we have been buddy's for years. The actual challenge that came with trying to beat him.

Though he looked exhausted he didn't stop and wasn't slowing down, I thought he was ok, I though this would tier him out and he would go to sleep after, though that was an after thought to the original idea.

Everything was great we were mostly even while shooting, we dispite being highly trained agents were using the training guns, the ones filled with paint balls, we both had a color that we used, him purple me red. We tried to mess the other up constantly to almost no avail.

It was about half way through the thirty minutes, he was in the lead by one shot when he collapsed. I rush over the few feet i was away from him.

I shut down the session and looked Clint over.

"J, what's wrong with him?" I asked concerned.

"Well, Mr.Barnes it appears he has passed out from exhaustion" the disembodied voice spoke.

"How long has he been awake?"

"The passed week and a half, he has also been pushing himself to extreme levels, especially with the lack of rest" the AI explained.

"Thanks Jarvis" I said as I gently picked the Archer up.

He felt light, freakishly light. It worried me how light he was, but I stayed focused on the task at hand. I was careful of his wings as I carried him to my room, I am not exactly sure if I am allowed in his so I didnt go in. It seemed safer.

He was also vulnerable, you don't just leave a team mate alone while they are vulnerable.

We take care of our own.

I layed him down on my bed and was going to lay down on the floor, I don't normally sleep on my bed anyway, it's to soft. He wouldn't let go. I tried to pull away but his hands clutched on to me, it was like he was scared to let go. I could have over powered him easily, I didn't I just layed down next to him.

Clint curled into my side, his left wing was tuck to his back like normal and the right one was laying stretched out over me. I carefully reach me hand to his ears and took the aids out.

After the past several nights being riddled with nighmears and not being able to sleep more then an hour, I slept.

I slept well.

It looked to me, while I was still awake, that so was Clint.

It is at times like this that I whish I was still a heartless monster. It would have been easier then falling in love. But as I lay there in my bed with Clint, the soft domestic manner of the situation, the time in the range setting in. It was hard not to fall.

It was as if the ground had gone out from under me and I couldn't catch myself. To be frank I am absolutely tarified at getting closer to him. I don't know if I could handle losing him if I did get close. Dispite this new found feelings for my fellow sniper I told myself over and over again that I would act as if nothing changed.

This doesn't have to be a thing. Especially if Clint doesn't want it to be a thing.

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