just some observations

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In just the first week I notice quite a few things about Hawkeye. Such as, he had a really bad coffee addiction. Am I'm talking a whole pot of coffee is drank like a shot almost every other hour.

He always wears over sized hoddies. Most often then not said hoodie is not his, he typically wears one of Coulsons or Steve's but I have seen him in one of Tony's and Natasha's.

He is also a loud guy. It is slightly off putting, but its nice, he doesn't tone himself down when I walk into a room. He is constantly bouncing off the walls with energy, as long as it is after noon.

He was a funny guy. He cracks jokes with everyone. He has banters with all of them.

Then there is when he hangs around Natasha, the two of them are definitely a scary duo. It is even scarier watching the two spar, they are on equal footing, and despite being best friends they fight as if they are going for the kill every single time.

His whole demeanor changes when someone walks into a room he is in. He holds himself completely different when he is alone. His gaurd is higher he isn't goofing off dispite knowing I am there. He just acts a little sadder.

He can't be around Tony when he drinks.  Tony isn't a violent drunk most of the time. Clint just avoids him when he knows he has drank a lot.

Clint is a sweet man. I have noticed him doing things that normal people wouldn't. He found a hurt rat out side and he is currently nursing it back to health. He tested for disses as the first thing he did bringing it to the tower.

He has helped old ladies cross the road. And today, it was the first day after his suspension he saved a dog while on a mission.

Clint walked into the main room with a slightly beat up golden retriever dog. He was sent out to steal something from the tracksuit mafia, to my knowledge he had gotten what ever that thing was. The dog was a bonus.

Tony tested the dog for things while steve talked to Clint.

"Are you ok, need to go to medical? And don't lie and make me drag your unconscious body there again." Steve said completely serious.

I decided to commend that to memory. Clint hates medical and will hide injuries.

"Other then my back I'm fine" Clint said calmly.

"What happened to you, back?" Steve questioned.

Though they were talking out loud they were both also signing, I couldn't see Clints hands but I can see Steve's. And what he signed did not match what he said. He had signed wings instead of back. Though I wrote this off as him not knowing he fucked it up.

"I was shot. The bullet is still there, I haven't fucked with it like I normally do." I take it as they haven't seen me yet, well at least Steve hasn't.

Steve took a hold of Clints shirt and hoddie and pulled them off.

I was stunned. Clint had hawk wings attached to his back. Around said wings is scared horrifically. Very similar to the scares around my metal arm. In the middle of the right wing was a small hole and blood was spilling out of it in a slow trickle.

"I was going to have Natasha patch me up, but I guess you'll do" Clint joked.

Though right now Clint let himself show he was in pain. I was connecting dots. His wings must be sensitive, everyone was alway super gentle with his back where the were. He was probably self conscious about them or the scaring around them since he hid it from everyone, even if they knew it was there.

Steve made Clint sit down as he left to grab the first aid kit.

"I'm guessing you want an explanation, Barnes." Clint spoke to me softly and pain in his voice.

"I'm going to guess they were always there. If not you can tell me later. And I really don't mind them being there"i assured to Clint.

He smiled a little as the dog layed at his feet.

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