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I have noticed that dispite how everyone thinks Clint is built he is just as flexible as Natasha. I have seen him just messing around do some of these crazy acrobatic things. I have seen him, (on the occasion he has more energy then your average depressed college student) do some acrobatics with a trapeze. A makeshift one he makes for temporary use only that I am surprised works as well as it does and he hasn't gotten hurt or died on.

I find it fascinating. He constantly complains when he has to bend to pick something up, says its to much work and he's old even though he is only in his 20's and the youngest out of the Avengers. He will then go on to do a double backflip simply because he can. I don't question it dispite how much I want to it just doesn't seem like my place to ask.

I know about his wings, we talked and were definitely closer now then we were before, but this somehow feels more personal to him.

Currently it was 1 in the morning a week after the party. I couldn't seem to sleep so I went to the training room. I didnt expect to see Clint doing a full acrobatic trick shot routine, one you would expect from some kind of show boy. He didn't see me or even notice I was there. So I sat down out of the way and watched.

It was amazing, I have never seen something like this so I without putting to much thought into it I recorded the part I saw.

The way his body twisted in the tight tank top and the sweat pants he was wearing was some how elegant. He made it look like a kind of dance. It was an art, like he had practiced this exact routine his whole life. I tried to count the silent beats this odd dance went by.

One, inhale, bow drawn back
Two exhale, arrow released.

He did this with a mixture of different flips and acts of flexibility. His aim never falters, he hits every target he means to directly in the middle. I can't help but be slightly scared of that, of being in the other side of his bow. He didn't seem to be here, he was physically but he was somewhere else in his mind.

He moved with such grace I didn't know he had. I was astonished.

It was the end that shocked me the most though.

At the end he did a flip that seemed extremely hard to do, in the middle of said flip he threw something, I think it was a ring. When he landed he shot a target through the ring. The ring still in the middle of the arrow, he wasn't even facing it.

He wasn't facing me either though I had a good look at his side profile, his heaving chest as he trys to catch his breath. The wings on his back hadn't moved this entire time though I could see them, they were sticking out of holes in the back of this shirt, he clearly put them there for more comfortable wearing of the shirt.

As his arms move out, (in the way a show boy would after a show) his wings did the same he stood there for a moment, only a second or two like that. Before he relaxed and put his hands on his head and took deep breaths.

It was at this point I decided to take my leave before he noticed me.

When I got back to my room I layed down and looked over the recording. I watched two more times in awe at it. I noticed little details about it every time. Kinda interested in if Clint had come up with the routine himself or he got it from somewhere else i asked.

"Hey Jarvis. Is there any videos that match the moves Clint does in this one? Like exactly or almost exactly?"

"I will conduct a search for such information though it may take a while if you want it done in secret. Will you like what I found sent to your phone?" The automated voice said.

"Yes thank you Jarvis"

"My pleasure, Sargeant Barnes"

I set my phone down on the bed side table when I heard a knock at my door it was a soft and quiet one. One that was made just loud enough for me to hear but not wake up if had I been asleep. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw Clint he looked exhausted but I was sure he couldn't sleep.

"Mind if I come in" he asked me his voice sounding small in a way I hadn't heard from him before.

Not when he told me about his time in Hydra. He just never sounded or looked this helpless. I was worried.

"Sure thing." I said in a comforting tone.

"I just can't sleep, y'know?" He said sounding like he regretted that.

Like it was his fault he couldn't sleep. I pull him into a hug and shut my door. "You're welcome to stay here for the night. Well what's left of it." I said softly into his hair.

He hugged me back tightly. "Thank you" his voice still some small and weak he just didn't sound like Clint at all.

We walked to the bed and lay down together. It was starting to feel so familiar, us sleeping together. It seems to happen a lot more often then I had expected it would, then he seems to expect. Though he seems to enjoy sleeping with me. He seems to sleep better on the nights he sleeps with me, I sleep better the nights we sleep together. Though this time was a bit different. He didn't come to me because he wanted sleep and couldn't, he didn't seem to have noticed that we sleep better together. He didn't come here because I needed him to be. He didn't just pass out and not let me leave.

He came to me for comfort.

Something I have only seen him seek from Natasha. I think he also seeks it from Coulson to though I have only briefly met him. So we didn't go to sleep right away. We lay together his arms tucked close to his chest as his wings wrap around us I have a hand in his hair and the other on his waist.

This was comfortable, it was nice despite the nature of these unexpected visits. I hate to admit it but I think I'm starting to fall for him.

I think I I love Clint Barton.

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