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the next morning, luke wakes up before michael. he checks the alarm clock next to his bed, which reads 6:29 a.m.. he turns his head back, and feels mikey shift his head on luke's chest. luke smiles at the sleeping lilac haired boy, then runs his hand through michaels soft hair and plants a kiss on top of his head. michael wakes up to gentle hands rubbing his tummy, then squezzes luke's torso before looking up at luke.

"morning, princess," luke smiles. michael smiles back. luke stands up and walks over to the record player. he looks through his collection of vinyls, then decides on the 1975's self-titled record. he puts it on the player, then the opening song plays. luke turns it down a little, then sits on the bed and against the headbored. he pulls michael over so he's against luke's legs, michael's side against luke's chest. the boys cuddle together and listen to the soft music.

"what's your favorite song by the 1975?" michael asks.

"probably heart out, fallingforyou and me," luke answers after a moment.

"same, but i also love antichrist, you and haunt // bed," michael says.

luke starts humming along to the city while he plays with michael's fluffy hair.

"do you want to go out for breakfast?" luke asks. "i know a good place."

michael nods, then asks if they can stop at his house on the way there, since he wants to change into some different and comfier clothes. luke agrees, then puts on black jeans and a black blink-182 crew neck. he does his hair and brushes his teeth before putting in his shoes. luke gives michael a pair of sweatpants, then then luke drives over to michael's house. luke follows michael upstairs, then sits at the desk chair as michael grabs black leggings, a black crew neck with the outline of a flower in white and white converse high tops, and a new pair of panties. michael changes in the bathroom, then the two boys drive to the reastaraunt.

luke and michael sit across from each other at a booth in a quite corner. a waitress hands them two menus, which they start to look at.

"can i get you anything to drink?" the waitress asks.

"i'll have coffee, and a hot black tea for my friend," luke answers. michael mentally cringe at the word "friend", but sighs and lets it go.

"how'd you know what i like to drink?" michael asks luke.

"you seem like a tea kind of person," Luke smirks.

the two boys talk until the lady comes back with their drinks, then asks for their food order. michael gets a veggie omelet, and luke asks for some eggs and corn beef hash. after sitting quietly for a few minutes, luke reaches across the table and grasps michaels hand.

"what are we?" luke asks.

michael stare blankly, then shrugs. "i really like you, luke, but let's just play things by ear before we officially go out. you know, just to see how we'd work out and stuff."

luke smiles and nods. "if that's what you're comfortable with, then i'm ok with that, princess." michael gets butterflies in his tummy every time luke calls him princess. nobody has ever called him that, not even past boyfriends.

the lilac haired boy squeezes lukes big hand, then see's the food coming their way.


after eating, luke pays the bill (after arguing with michael that "princesses shouldn't have to pay"), then drives michael home. the two stand on the front porch, foreheads resting against each other. luke can see mr. clifford staring at the pair through the window, but decides to ignore him.

"text me later princess," luke whispers before he grabs michaels hands and plants a soft and gentle kiss on michaels plump, pink lips. michael gives luke a quick hug before running up to his bedroom. michael falls onto the white comforter with a smile spread across his lips. he grabs his phone and calls ashton.

"morning, mikey," ashton yawns through the phone. "how was your date?"

"it was fantastic!" michael gushes. "i had an awesome time. and i think luke likes me back!"

"that's great, michael. i'm happy for you, i hope everything works out with you and luke."

"well," michael starts, "we're not really dating, we're just seeing how we'd be as a couple before we really go out."

michael and ashton talks for a while more, then there's a knock at michaels door. michaels says his goodbyes to ashton, then hangs up and opens the room door; it's his father.

"hi, dad," michael smiles.

"hey, bud, can we talk for a minute?" mr. clifford asks. michael nods, then steps aside so his dad can walk in. michael lays on his bed while his father gets settled on the desk chair.

"so," mr. clifford starts, "i know about luke hemmings. i know he does a lot of drugs and drinks a lot, and that he's a player when it comes to dating. he also seems kind of dangerous. michael, i just want you to be careful with this boy, i don't want you to get hurt again."

michael stares at his father in astonishment. "you have got to be kidding me."

"what's the matter?" mr. clifford asks.

"you don't even know luke! yeah, he used to do drugs and drink, but he's cleaned up a lot, and he only did then because he's depressed and did drugs and drank ancho because he didn't know how to handle his sadness. and he's not a player, he's only dated like, two other guys. i have only known him for a little hole, but i know luke enough to trust that he won't hurt me!" michael snaps. "and assuming that he 'seems dangerous' just because he has a lot of tattoos and piercing is a really shitty thing to assume."

"don't talk to me like that, young man! i'm just trying to keep you safe!"

"from what? someone i love? someone who likes me for me? someone that will love and protect and care for me when i'm down?"

michaels father is flusterd, so michael grabs his phone and earbuds, then storms out of the house. he puts his earbuds in and listens to hold on 'til may by pierce the veil and lindsey stamey.

michael doesn't know where he's going, but doesn't care; he just wants to be away from his asshole of a dad.


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