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(skip to five months later)


today was the day of luke and michael's seven month anniversary. for a couple of weeks now, luke has been planning a surprise date for michael. now it's an hour before he picks michael up, and luke is more nervous than ever.

what if he doesn't like the present i have for him?

luke's mind wandered with thoughts like that, making scared and anxious.

luke puts his thoughts aside and decides to get ready. he puts on black skinny jeans, and puts on a red flannel, buttoning it up to his mid-chest. he puts on black converse, then fixes his hair.

luke puts a few blankets, his guitar, a bag with food and drinks and a speaker in the back of his car, then leaves to get michael at four thirty.

once he arrives at the clifford's house, he knocks on he door a few times and stands there awkwardly as he waits. mrs. clifford opens the door seconds later, mr. clifford standing behind her.

"luke, hi!" mrs. clifford smiles. "come on in, michael's still getting ready."

luke smiles and walks in, then sits on a chair and waits for his boyfriend.

michael, on the other hand, was freaking out. he had no idea what to wear, since luke wouldn't tell him where they are going.

he decides on light wash boyfriend jeans, an over sized black sweater and black high tops. he combs his black hair and applies a little blush and lip balm before tucking his phone in his pocket and walking downstairs.

he see's luke sitting and talking with his parents. michael sits on the steps for a moment and listens to their conversation.

"so, luke," michael's mom says, "you and michael have been going out for seven months now, and i never got around to talking with you. michael is our only child and we love him more than anything. he's been bullied for several years about the way he dresses, and he only has a handful of close friends. he also went through a slight depression a year ago. but, ever since you came into his life, he's been so happy. he looks forward to going to school, just to see you. his face lights up whenever you call or text, and he always talks about you." that made michael blush. "luke, you just need to promise me that you won't do anything to hurt our baby."

"mr. and mrs. clifford, i would never do anything to hurt michael. i, too, love him more than i love anything else. i also look forward to going to school to see him, and i also get excited whenever he texts or calls me. everyday i feel like i'm falling in even more love than i already am with him. michael's my sunshine and i'd do anything to keep him safe and make sure he's happy," luke says.

michael leans his head against the wall and wipes tears off of his cheeks.

"luke, i think i owe you an apology. i misjudged you, and that wasn't right of me. it's just... you're michael's first boyfriend, and i just want him to be safe and happy. i'm sorry," michael's dad says.

"it's okay, mr. clifford. it happens all the time."

michael then stands again and finishes walking down the stairs. luke looks over and see's his pretty little boy with puffy eyes. he stands and walks over to michael, hugging him tightly.

"i heard what you said about me, lukey. i love you so, so, so much," michael whispers.

"i love you more, princess," luke smiles. "okay, i'll try and bring him back at a decent hour."

"oh, you two stay out as long as you want. it's a weekend, have some fun," mrs. clifford smiles.

after exchanging goodbyes, the two boys walk out to luke's car. luke starts the car, then plugs his phone in and plays the playlist he made of his and michael's favorite songs. luke holds his hand out on the center council, and michael holds it tightly.

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