Twenty Two

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michael woke up the following morning to see luke cuddled into his side. there were tear stains on the taller boys cheeks, and his eyelids were puffy. michael started to genteelly stroke luke's cheek, and luke woke up a little later.

"hi, lukey," michael whispers.

"morning, baby," luke says, a yawn escaping his lips. michael kisses luke's forehead and runs a hand through his hair.

"do you want to go to school today?" michael asks.

"can i skip today?"

"of course. i still have to go in, though, i have a history test."

luke nods and michael gets out of bed. he showers, then rummages through his clothes before putting some on. he makes himself a cup of coffee, then makes one for luke and brings it upstairs. he sets it on luke's nightstand, then kneels down so he's at eye level with luke.

"will you be okay?"

luke nods and opens his eyes. michael softly kisses luke's cracked lips.

"i'll try and stop home for lunch, but text me if you need anything, babe," michael whispers. "i love you."

"love you, too, kitten."

michael gives luke one last kiss before leaving the house.

once he arrives to the campus, michael walks into the english building. he decides to sit in the front today, just to switch things up. he gets settled, then more students file into the room. michael plays around with his phone to distract himself from some of the rude people in this class. once the professor walks in, michael takes his laptop out and writes down some of the things the professor says. he then feels his phone buzz in his lap.

can you get some ice cream on your way home? luke asked.

sure, baby x, michael replies, putting his phone back down.


around lunch, michael decides that he has enough time to go home for lunch. he stops at noodles and company and gets luke and himself some man 'n cheese, then drives to the condo complex, then unlocks the door before walking in and setting his bag on the floor.

"lukey?" michael calls out.

seconds later, he hears lukes feet padding softly down the stairs. michael smiles, walking over to luke and hugging him tightly, then resting his chin on luke's bare chest.

"how are you feeling?" michael asks, rubbing luke's back.

"okay. better, i guess," luke shrugs. he leans down and kisses the smaller boy. michael rubs soft circles on luke's tear stained cheek.

"i brought you some mac 'n cheese," michael mumbles.

luke smiles, then starts pulling the take out containers out of the bag. the two boys eat at the island table, michael telling luke how the history test was easy and that he's starting his first photography project in a few weeks.

"did the court call you about a date yet?" michael asks after a few silent minutes.

"um, yeah, we go in next week," luke mumbles. "what if caroline lies? what if she makes up a completely different story?"

"baby, she has nobody to back her up. i'm the only witness that was there."

luke nods, then pokes at his food.


after michaels last few lessons, he stops at walgreens on the way home and gets a tub of mint chip ice cream for luke. he walks into the house and smells something burning.

"luke, what did you do?" michael asks, setting the ice cream down.

"um, i tried making your pizza recipe because i really wanted pizza and didn't feel like ordering some and i managed to burn it?" luke explains, scratching the back of his neck.

"you're lucky i love you," Michael sighs, smiling and shaking his head.

luke smiles as michael throws the burnt pizza away. "we'll just order some chinese food."

luke nods and calls the local place, placing their orders and puts on shoes and a hoodie. he grabs his car keys and leaves.

michael cleans the pan and bowls, then sets the plates and forks down on the coffee table just as luke comes back with their dinner. they eat in front of the tv, watching teen beach movie two and snuggling while they shove low mein and orange chicken in their mouths.

"you ok?" michael asks, noticing that luke looks a little down.

luke just shrugs and fiddles with michael's stubby fingers.

"i just feel kinda gross."

"how come?"

"i mean, she forced herself onto me and it was disgusting because girl parts are gross to me and it was scary and i just feel disgusting."

"do you want to shower?" michael asks.

"would you be in the shower with me?"

"maybe," michael smirks.

he stands, then grabs luke's hands and drags him upstairs to the bathroom.

michael starts to pull his leggings down, and luke stares at his panty clad bum. he slips his sweatpants and boxers off and waits until michael makes the water the perfect temperature before getting in. michael starts to shampoo luke's greasy hear, then conditions it.

"do you want me to, um, wash you?" michael asks.

"you don't have to."

michael shrugs, then grabs the loofa and puts soap on it. he starts rubbing it around luke's torso. michael wraps his arms around luke to scrub his back, giving luke's chest occasional kisses.

luke ends up wrapping his arms around michael's shoulders and resting his head upon michael's. michael stops scrubbing and drops the loofa, wrapping his arms around luke's waist.

"i love you, baby," luke whispers.

"i love you too, lukey."


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