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light smut warning


michael was bored sunday afternoon, so he decided to call ashton.

"hi, mikey," ashton greeted once he answered.

"i'm bored, do something with me," michael whines.

"i'm with calum right now. you are welcome to join us, if you'd like."

"i'll be over in thirty."

michael hung up, then got off of his bed to get ready. after rummaging through his closet and drawers, he picked out his outfit. he stripped of his pajamas and boxers, then put on pastel pink lace panties, black leggings and a white crop top. michael combs his brown hair, then puts on mascara. before leaving, he puts on white high tops and a black cardigan, since it's a little chilly.

"where are you going?" michaels father asks.

"to hang out with ash and calum," michael answers.

"is that luke kid going to be there?"

"no," michael sighs. he rushes out of his house before his dad can ask anymore questions. michael hasn't seen luke since luke's "bad day" on tuesday. he stayed home for the rest on the week, and michael missed him.

once michael is at ashtons, he just walks in and heads up to ashtons room. when he opens the door, he sees calum and ashton all snugly on the bed, and luke at the desk chair.

"lukey!" michael squeals.

luke looks up and smiles when he sees his baby boy. luke stands and gives michael the biggets hug.

"are you feeling better?" michael whispers into lukes chest.

"yes baby, i am," luke smiles. he missed seeing michael throughout the week, but luke just needed time to be alone.

luke sat back on the desk chair and pulled michael into his lap.

"are you two dating yet?" ashton asks.

michael and luke look at each other, then smile.

"yes," luke answers, still smiling and still staring at michael. michael kisses lukes nose, then starts a conversation.

luke stares at the boy in admiration as he laughs. michael does the cute thing where he squints his eyes and scrunches his nose when he laughs, and luke really loves that.

when michael gets uncomfortable, he shifts himself in lukes lap, then luke lets out a soft groan. michael stops, then smirks at what he's done.

"um, i'm hungry, and calum doesn't have food. michael and i are going to run over to mcdonald's and get food," luke says, rushing michael out of the room.

"that's not ok what you did in there, baby," luke says, getting into the drivers seat. the boys drive to lukes house, not mcdonalds. once there, luke takes michael up to his room. thank god that nobody's home.

michael sits on the bed and acts all innocent like. luke pushes him onto the bed and hovers over him, placing soft kisses on michaels jaw and neck. michael lets out a squeal when luke starts sucking his soft spot. luke continues to do so until he left a purple bruise, then licks the mark and blows his warm breath on it. michael moans and squirms under luke, and luke enjoys his turn in teasing. he pulls down michaels leggings, then widens his eyes at michaels choice in panties.

he palms michael and rubs his hand around a little until michael is fully hård. luke takes off his jeans and t-shirt, then does the same with michaels cardigan and crop top, so that the two boys were left in their underwear. michael straddled lukes lap, then started to roll his hips against lukes hård on. the two boys moaned in sync. luke gripped michaels hip bones to help the brown haired boy move faster. once the two boys were close, luke thrūsted up to meet michaels hūmps.

both boys are moaning messes, then luke is the first to reach his high. he yells michaels name, then helps michael until he reaches his high. michael pants into lukes neck.

"that was fun," luke chuckles.

michael nods, then rests his forehead against lukes.



"i love you, princess."

michael smiles widely and blushes.

"i love you, too, lukey."

luke gets up and changes out of his boxers, then puts on sweatpants and a t-shirt, then gives michael a pair of boxers. he drives michael home, and michael puts on black panties with pink bows on the front and a black t-shirt.

the two boys snuggles all day and watch movies on netflix. luke leaves around eight p.m., trying his best to climb down from michaels second floor window.


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