you and nikocado at first hate each other, he threatens you and you talk too much. but as time goes on..things happen.
y/n has a popular mukbang channel, has no friends but mysteriously gets a email from "nicholas perry" who could that be?
enemies t...
A/N - you probably are wondering why are you writing this: well i am because nikocado is king 🥺 anyways continue on!!
"yes mom i have a friend." you try to say, "but it takes a flight to go there so i may have to be gone for a week."
your mom starts to look at you, but then has a devilishly momo smile. "oh i see...a friend" are you sure thats it??
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when you see her, you realize what she means "mom its a FRIEND" and you show her a picture.
she looks over "oh my god is he okay?? is he stable??"
"yes of course mom, but i have to go my flight will take off!!" so you run to the bus because you have no car and live in a basement
when you arrive you see someone familiar,
"chloe.. is that you?!" you stutter "i-i- i didn't realize you were also gonna be here!!
she looks over with an annoyed face "oh its you y/n.." she sighed "i didn't think idiots could fly"
i was gonna literally gonna die. she stole my ex boyfriend, orlin home and she had the audacity to never let me forget it.
i replied with my best comeback, "and i didn't think idiots could go without having stds for this long"
she literally gasped "how dare you even say that you fu-"
you cut her off by walking away
"finally done with security! time to sit down and enjoy the flight" you sigh with relief, then you put on your earbuds and listen to:
slowed+reverbed, be happy - dixie d'amelio you'll never find another love like mine - lou rawls because you are depressed and a hopeless romantic. as the plane takes off you have a dream that the plane will explode.
you wake up:
i have to get the hell off this plane. "excuse me!! getting off..move!!!" you shove an old man into a chair where he collapses. "oh no. thats not good.."
as you sit in the lobby (off the plane):
"oh my god.." it really did you are traumatized for life. in shock you go on your phone to find a text message
Daddy of Avocados - "Were you on plane? Please tell me you were late. I need you on the video"
Y/N - "No I got off, how am I gonna make it?!"
Daddy of Avocados - "Just do a road trip!! Bring a friend or something"
Y/N - "You do realize im too big for a car??"
Daddy of Avocados - "Just do it or else."
you sigh and click off the messages app. you have no friends. but then you remember.. chloe has a car.
------------------ 451 words!!
hope you are enjoying the story and wait for part 3!!!