you and nikocado at first hate each other, he threatens you and you talk too much. but as time goes on..things happen.
y/n has a popular mukbang channel, has no friends but mysteriously gets a email from "nicholas perry" who could that be?
enemies t...
"don't you dare!" your mother screeched, she never wanted you to have eating food as a career.
" doesn't matter. besides i've already hit my milestone of 350 pounds. my fans will be proud" i said while posting my video "I weigh 350 pounds. Thank you."
"y/n you can't even go to the state fair with your friends because you are so overweight and you LOOK extremely depressed. you need to meet someone, or at least get out of the house for once!" she said out of concern
this made me so upset. so i grabbed my burger king and spicy noodles and stormed out of the room. how dare she try and control my life, i thought. "you can't control me forever!! besides I do get out of the house, where do you think this food comes from?!" i pointed to my food while i stormed off to the basement/my room
"okay. its been 5 hours!! lets check the comments!" i said excitedly.
as i scrolled everyone was congratulating me "happy 1 million subs y/n!!" i would always comment the same thing, "thank you so much for watching me and supporting me. i love you guys!!"
as i closed my laptop i thought, oh i should see if i have any new emails.
i saw an email from a guy "Nicholas Perry" i was so confused. who is this?
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"Hey there y/n, I recently watched you on YouTube you might know me. I have an onlyfans and like 4 youtube channels.. I was thinking maybe we could collab I also love spicy noodles and we could both gain popularity from this. Email me back or else I will literally end you and start an internet war and don't think about testing me because I have done this many times before."
who even is this, and oh wow. i have a lot of options here. i cringed.
i looked him up on google and he really was real and a famous mukbang youtuber? how did i never know?! i need this kind of popularity. he seemed to also be very serious about his internet..drama.
"ok but just so you know..i can be a bad person too." i replied to his email while smirking like the alpha i am.
i had woken up to yet another email
"Nicholas Perry sent you $500 dollars" "for the flight ;)"
guess i will really do a collab..with someone i literally emailed yesterday and just met.
"MOM!! i'm going on a flight to see a friend. we are gonna binge eat spicy noodles"