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Giving y'all 2 updates cause this chapter sucks..

Giving y'all 2 updates cause this chapter sucks

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Azriel Zora Jones

I sent my mom a quick text letting her know I'd be going to Jaliyahs house after school.

I hated lying to her but I'd die if I told her what I was really doing. I'd been spending most of my free time with Tk for the past week. If I'm not with him I'm texting him. I find my self smiling at my mom waiting for him to text back.

"You going with Tk again today?" Jaliyah asked as we walked to our next class

"Yes." I smirked

"What do y'all even be doing?" She chuckled

"Uhh, it depends. One day we went to the park and just parked in the back and talked. We went to the movies, we shop, we eat!"

"You always eating. But like as friends or a date?"

"As friends." I shrugged

"Friends don't kiss bitch." She nudged me As we walked in the class seeing Mya already in the back

"You feel better boo?" Jaliyah asked rubbing her back and she shook her head no. She hasn't been feeling good the past three days and it was starting to worry me and Liyah. She hasn't been herself. She swears she's fine and she just needs to let it pass but I can't stand to see her like that.

"Has Dre checked on you since you've been sick."

She shook her head "I haven't spoke to him." She said lowly

"Is there any possibility that your pregnant?" Jaliyah whispered

"We haven't had sex." She sighed

We quieted down as the teacher stood starting to talk. As soon as the class was over I got a call from Tk.

"Yo. I'm outside." He yawned

"I still have two classes not. I told you to come at 2:15"

"Just skip them come on."

"I've never-"

"Azeriel please." He said

"I'm coming." I sighed

"Fuck took you so long." He said as i climbed in the car

"I was trying to see if I could get Mya anything. She still doesn't feel good." I shook my head

He leaned over grabbing the bottom of my face and pulling me into a quick kiss making me smile.

"What do you even get for people after that? It's like a post abortion reliever ?"

"Abortion?" I looked at him confused

"Don't tell me you didn't know."

"Know what. She just told me she's not having sex."

"Her and Dre been fucking for months mama. Before they were even together. Mya is the farthest thing from a virgin she's li-"

"No." I shook my head "I know my friend."

"I wouldn't lie about no shit like this. She was like 10 weeks pregnant and Dre made her abort it. That's why they broke up" He said pulling out of the school parking lot and I looked out the window

I took everything he said in but Mya wouldn't be lying to us for no reason...


We had went to go get food and once school actually let out we made our way to Jaliyahs house where her Mikey and Dre already were. Mya of course declined coming over today.

"Nigga yo birthday next week. What you trynna do?" Dre asked

"We sliding that night fosho. But shit ion got shit planned for real." He shrugged

I remember him telling me he wasn't huge really a birthday person.

"What do you want for your birthday?" I asked looking up at him

"You." He shrugged

"Oh?" Jaliyah sat up

"I told you I was trynna make you mine by my birthday."

"If this is you asking her out imma need you to do a better job cause this is boring." Jaliyah said

"Shut yo big foreheaded ass up."

"My bad. Don't shoot me cause I know how you boys like to rock your Glocks." Jaliyah quoted the tiktok making me laugh

"Fuck you want me to do get down on one knee?." He stood getting down causing us all to laugh "Azriel. You trynna be my girl?"

"Well that wasn't how I expected this to go but yes." I laughed

AHazel Jones

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AHazel Jones

"You look so beautiful. Send me this picture." Adonis said

He looked at me with lust in his eyes. For the first time in months he made me feel like I was the only person in the world. He woke me up this morning and promised me he'd give me the whole day, just us. And he kept his word this time. He treated my body this morning and then took me for massages this morning. He then also got my nails and feet done and now we were at dinner. He didn't even bring his phone to assure i had his full attention.

"Thank you baby." I said as we sat to our table "We haven't done this in so long I don't even know what to say." I chuckled

"I know my love and im sorry it's been this long. I've been neglecting you and our family. Azriel won't even speak with me and that hurts me knowing she's that upset."

I knew where he was coming from but I wasn't going to force her to speak to him either. It was his fault she wasn't speaking to him.

"I'll do my best to make more time for you guys. I don't know what I would do if I lost you three so for now on I'm here. I know it doesn't seem like it but I am here."

"And that's all I want. Even if I see your effort I'll be fine. I just miss you. I miss us, I miss this. When I married you I married you for better or worse and I plan on keeping that vow until death do us part but I'd much rather have a happy marriage then for us to grow old hating each other and not speaking. Being transparent I feel like I have no life outside of the kids anymore . I don't do anything outside of them now that your so distant and it's draining. I'm losing myself and it feels like I'm loosing you."

"Hey, you'll never loose me. I'm not going anywhere and as for your mental health, we will work on that together. I'm right here and I got you Hazel. I love you. You hear me?"

"I love you more"

This chapter sucks I'm aware but I needed them to be together to set up the next chapter..

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