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Ross's POV

I'm so glad Riley and I aren't fighting anymore, she's super sweet and amazing. I just love her. Yep that's right I said LOVE.

Tonight Riley and Emma are coming over to hangout and swim and stuff.

Now that I think about it I don't think I have ever seen Riley in a bikini. She's probably smoking hot.

Riley's POV

We arrived at the Lynch's house around one. I wore my light blue bikini top and yellow bottoms. So I would look extra tan. Rydel, Emma, and I were tanning when I felt water drip on my stomach and a shadow cast over my face. "What do you want Ross?"

"To do this" he said picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. I started yelling and hitting his back as he walked towards the pool. "ROSS ST-" I was yelling until I felt my body being thrown. I took a deep breath as I hit the water. I decided to play a trick on Ross and stay under for a while, because I learned how to hold my breath for 5 minutes.

Ross's POV

I threw Riley in the water and waited for her to resurface. Why isn't she coming up? Did I just drown the love of my life. I dove in and picked up her limp body and carried her out of the pool and laid her down. Everyone started crowding around. "Come one wake up!" Still no movement.

"Does some know CPR?!"

"I do!" Riker said kneeling down beside her.

As he was about to give her mouth to mouth she held up her hand to his face, "let me stop you right there."

"Oh my gosh!! You're okay!" I said hugging her.

"Yeah! I've always been okay."

"No you almost drown."

"No she didn't" Emma said.

"What do you mean?"

"She means I can hold my breath for 5 minutes and that I was just playing a trick on you." Said Riley.

Riley's POV

"What?!" All the Lynch's screamed.


"You should be I thought you were going to die! Well I'm totally done with swimming should we have a movie night?" Ross asked.

"Yes!" we all said in unison. Rydel lent me and Emma some clothes to change into for our movie night. As we were getting ready to watch the first movie the pizza arrived and was scarfed down in minutes.

I had my head on Ross's shoulder as the 4th movie finished. Everyone else was asleep but me and Ross.

"Hey you wanna go sleep in my room, a bed is a lot more comfy." He asked.

"Sure why not." I went upstairs and fell asleep in Ross's arms, not gonna lie I kinda liked it.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a camera clicking and giggling. I opened my eyes to see all the Lynch's standing by Ross's bed. I looked down to see Ross's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. "Guys can you please leave."

"But you guys are so cute!" Rydel said.

"We're just friends."

"Mmmhhhhmmmm whatever you say girly." With that they left the room. I tried to get up but Ross's grip tightened. I looked over and he was still dreaming, "Riley you can't leave me I....." what's he going to say.

"......I l-love you." Oh my gosh!! What do I do!

"Ross wake up!" I yelled shaking him.

He jolted up, "I love you!"

"Who do you love Ross?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

" no one. lets go down and get breakfast."

"But I don't want to get up" I extended my arms and put on my best puppy dog face, "carry me?"

"Fine" he said letting me get on his back. We ran downstairs and ate and after a little while Emma and I left.

Hey my brain said.

What do you want?

You know Ross?

Yeah I definitely know him.

Well you like him!

I do not! I mean sure he's sweet, romantic, handsome, a good cuddler, and- OH MY GOD!

I like Ross.

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