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warnings: possible dissociation, mentions of therapy, mentions of death/manslaughter, mentions of medicines, mild internalized transphobia and mentions of broken bones

I woke up... and promptly fell off of my dressing room's couch, landing on the hard floor. Someone was standing over me, and they extended their hand to help me get back up again. There was a throbbing pain in the back of my head. I put my hand on my chest to feel my pulse. It was fast. I must have held my breath accidentally as I was dreaming. Or... I wasn't. Something felt off. Nothing felt real to me.

"Whoa, dude. I thought you were dead or something. You looked like you weren't breathing for a minute."

"O-oh, Silver. It's you." Silver was the drummer of the band. A good person, but kind of upbeat for my liking. I didn't know her before the band. We were just... grouped together. At first, she wasn't talkative, but she ended up letting her stage persona poison her to the point of her being unable to remember her real personality 80% of the time.

"No duh. Hey, don't forget that we have an interview today."

"Alright, cool."

As soon as she left, I leapt to my feet, scrambling towards my desk to grab a notepad and pen. I began to draw, running my fingers through my hair in panic. I drew myself... not myself, Yuki, before I forgot what I looked like. I remembered the sensation of being him: half Sunny, half Omori. It felt like I was eerily lifeless. I could also feel something growing within me. Not as in metaphorically, like power or greed, rather literally. Like a plant. Like a flower. I never got to see myself fully, yet I felt like I was watching myself from the outside of my body how a narrator would a character. The flower grew from my right eye. It looked bizarrely mothlike, with the distinct shape of a body and a pair of white wings. That was one of the only things I could recall clearly. My dream had shaken me up. I felt fatigued, no matter how much sleep I had gotten. Taking a swig from a plastic water bottle, I gulped down a tablet and opened a small packet of chips to stop myself from feeling ill, blaming my magnesium deficiency for such odd dreams. I had really hoped that I could get my own thoughts out of my mind. But, and against my better judgement, I grabbed my phone, punching in Aubrey's number.

"Hey, it's Aubrey. What's up?"

"Hi, Aubrey, hello. It's Sunny. I r-really think I need someone to talk to today, so could we please meet up somewhere?" I fidgeted with the drawstrings of my jumper. "I'll pay you, I promise, I just... I-I need your help, I don't know what to do."

"Sunny! Ok, is it urgent?" She paused for a second to take a deep exhale. "Because I have an event this morning, and I can't miss it."

"N-no! No, no it isn't. I've just been having some... bizarre dreams the past couple of days, and I don't know who else to call, and-"

"Sunny! Geez, both you and Basil have something up with going off on anxious tangents." She laughed. Her laugh was tinny over the call, but it was still the same Aubrey laugh I remembered. "I have this meeting for a couple hours in the morning, but if you're free for afternoon tea..?"

"Yeah, afternoon tea sounds great."

"There's a new cafe downtown that I've been meaning to visit. I'll send you the details, and we can talk there, ok? Just take deep breaths for now. What time do you want to meet?"

"Would 11:30 work for you? This interview I've gotta do ends at 11, so..."

"Perfect. Alright, good luck with the interview, and I'll see you then?"


"Don't forget to breathe."


omori: 10 years (2022 ver)Where stories live. Discover now