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warnings: suicidal thoughts

I dropped the knife, letting tears run down my face as I sobbed further. Mari wanted me to change. I wanted me to change. She was right, and deep down in my heart I knew it. And, as I sobbed pathetically, somebody wrapped their arms around me in a tight hug from behind.

"I'm here."


"I'm here," Kel repeated, his voice hushed and cracking, on the verge of tears. "I heard everything."

"Why did you follow me here?" I asked softly, feeling his tears as they finally spilt and hit my shoulder.

"I know you, Sunny. I love you. You're one of the best friends I've ever made."

"Kel, can you help me out here?" Mari called from the picnic rug, making Kel runover, a happy smile on his face. "Ok, I have a really, really important job for you."

"What is it?"

She smiled, placing a finger to her lips and winking. "Shh, it's a secret, so we have to be quiet, alright?"

He nodded, lowering his voice. I could still hear him from my place buried in the sand. "Ok, super secret mode: activated!"

Mari pulled a full water balloon out of her lap and pointed at Hero, who was taking a nap beneath the beach umbrella. "Do you see your brother over there?"


"I want you to throw this as hard as you can at him, then run for your life, ok?"

"Got it! I won't let you down, ma'am!"

They shared a devious smile before Kel took the balloon and ran off. I shut my eyes, but I could still hear the loud smack, splash, and scream that followed, before our corner of the beach erupted into raucous laughter.

Basil joined us at that second, running over and wrapping his arms around both of us as soon as he saw the rusted knife on the grass. "Promise you won't leave. Please, promise me. Not like this."


"Done!" Mari said, a wide smile on her face as she held up her flower crown to everybody else's delight.

"Wow, that turned out so pretty!" Basil said, his eyes darting between the various flowers that were laced together in the crown.

"It looks pretty now, but I think it'd look prettier on somebody's head." She leaned over and placed the crown onto his head, making his mouth form a small 'o' with surprise. "There we go, much better!"

"O-oh, thank you..."

"Aww, Basil!" Aubrey said excitedly. "You look just like a magical prince of flowers!"

Kel took the opportunity to bow. "Your majesty."

Mari followed suit. "My liege."

As we all laughed together, Hero grabbed Basil's camera and took a photo of Basil, Mari and Aubrey. "There we go, the royal portrait."

Basil gently took the photo, opening his album and gently placing the picture into his album. "There we go, now we'll always remember."

I was at a loss for words by the time Aubrey arrived. "Everything is going to be okay."



"I wish I could have pink hair just like Sweetheart's," Aubrey whined. "She looks so pretty! I wish I could look like that."

omori: 10 years (2022 ver)Where stories live. Discover now