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warnings: mentions of hospitals/pain killers

I woke up on the tour bus with a pounding headache. Glancing out of the window, I saw as we drove down the road. Bushes and trees passed. Silver was standing over me, a wide smile on her face. "You're awake!! Guys, he's awake!!"

"What... happened?"

"You fell unconscious in the middle of the concert," Charlie responded, passing me a plastic bottle of water. "We took you to the hospital, and they took care of you for the night. When you woke up the next day, we got to take you back. You were so groggy that you fell asleep as soon as we got on the bus. Must have been hopped up on pain meds or something, you hit your head pretty hard."

I reached up to feel it, and there was a bandage tightly wrapped around my head. Even the most delicate of touches made me wince, sucking the air through my teeth. It hurt.

"I packed your things," Poppy replied. "Hope I didn't miss anything."

"Did anybody come and visit?"

"A couple did. Preggo lady and her husband, this journalist, and another patient. They were all worried about you, but you weren't awake to say anything."

"So what you're saying is that I didn't get to say goodbye?" I asked, snapping up in an instant.

"No," Sashi responded. "I think it's for the best. All your freaky episodes were probably because you reunited with your friends and they got you distracted."

I paused a little, looking out the window again as the sign rolled past. 500 miles from Faraway Town.

"Hey, cut him some slack, he went back to where his sister d-"

"No," I responded, looking at the floor beneath me. "They're right. It won't happen again."

"It better not. You ruined my chance of starting a solo career. Did I fail to mention that there were agents at that show?"

"There's already a bunch of articles and blog posts about you. The internet's gone wild with panic, Sunny!"

"...I wrote a song for our next album," I muttered in hopes that I'd change the subject.

"What's it called?"

I looked back at the last week, humming sadly. A lot had happened. I'd seen a lot. I remembered a lot. I met my old friends again. I lost my old friends again. I really wanted to be happier. I tried all I could under my conditions. I wished I could try again. I dreamed for a change to happen. And, I thought harder about it, realising that it was...

"...My Time."

I closed my eyes, and I left that dream.


THE END. (neutral)

omori: 10 years (2022 ver)Where stories live. Discover now