The Lonely Sea

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"..." A girl holding a briefcase stared silently at the trafffic light, waiting for the green figure of a person which indicate it's time for people to walk pass.

The road was empty. Desolate. Devoid of anyone. Yet she waited. And waited.

.....and waited.

"You're here." A person standing next to her said.

"..." She didn't look at them. She only waited. Thus she never knew what they looked like.

"..." The person grabbed her hand, and slowly dragged her to the middle of the road. She can feel a small, weak grip. "..." She didn't say anything. She rarely did.

They stood there, for a few minutes, in awkward silence, as the person forced them to sit down.

"..." The girl moved her eyes down the road.

Nothing. Not a single vehicle in sight.


"I've never played those games before." the person talked. She only listened to them. "For a person to be attracted to a two dimensional picture of a humanoid ship, humanity never had any hope in the first place, does it?" they put their hands on their lap, the cold night air finally getting to them.

"But a request is a request."

"...!" the girl's pupil enlarged in shock, as she felt a stinging pain on her abdomen. Someone suddenly appeared in front of them, and have put something there.

"...?" her eyes moved from the white golden short sword jammed in her gut onto the hands of the wielder, and then their face.

A giant women, with floating rings on her head.

"..." the sword moved up into her chest, and further up. Until her vision was split in two.

The last thing she hears before endless darkness was...

"Ah, you were expecting a truck, weren't you?" the sadistic remark of the person next to her.



The sound of something big hitting the surface of water reached her.

She opened her eyes. She's at the bottom of the sea. She can see torpedoes, ships, and silhouette of planes, but she cannot move. The only thing she can do is watch as the battle above the water carry on.

Planes started dropping one by one into the sea. Shot down by the ships above her.

She doesn't feel the sensation of having limbs anymore. No lungs, no blood, no heartbeat. She can't feel her lower body either. It's like she's been torn in half.


A rather large explosion caught her attention. One of the ships have exploded. Maybe from a torpedo? A bomber?

The ship begin sinking, as it moved away further from her sight. For some reason, she felt sad, like she somehow was....related to that ship. Like they had come from the same country. The same province, maybe even the same......shipyard?


She woke up with a jolt, after feeling like someone throwed her inside a bathtub.

There she is, in the middle of the sea. On top of a large ship, with a battery just as large. She tried moving. Again, she can't. She can only move her view to the left and right. And the ship's guns moved with her too.

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