Hunt or Be Hunted

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"HE FAILED?!" A man being fed some grapes spits some out in anger, as he throwed the bowl his maid was holding towards someone. But he missed so bad, the guard by the door down the hallway was hit instead.

".....Yes, your highness." A knight answered the furious king. He was covered in golden ornaments, per his position as head of the royal knights order. "YOU SAID IT'S GOING WELL! IT HAS BEEN A YEAR! I'VE WAITED A YEAR!"

"Yes, your higness, but some difficulties emerged and he was unable to stop the advance of the enemy."


"Yeah.....about that."



"He died?!"

"That is what my subordinate has reported. His lieutenant had replaced his position after he drowned, and led the rest of the army to the first island chain they conquered. They are currently awaiting your orders."

"How can this country exist without me?" The emperor let out a sigh. "Prepare and take back the island! Use any means necessary! Was that too hard to think off?!"

"..." The knight bathed in the temporary silence, as he swallowed every word he heard. "No....your higness. Your cleverness knows no bounds."

"No need to tell me something I'm well aware of. Now away! Away from my sight!"

The knight jumped to his feet and rushed out of the room, towards the barracks, as the emperor chomped down on another grape.

"..." The knight pondered. "Man."His pace fastened, his destination clear as day. He need to see the head navy commander, and whoop his ass- to him about the problem.


"It's a what?"

"A big boat."


"Like, really big. Your mom type of big."

"That's really big."


""...."" The two man, one wearing full plate golden armor, and one wearing an old, ragged sailor outfit, both stared down on the sketches made from eye witness testimony. If the scale on this paper is true, then it's bigger than even the castle.

"No sails..." the navy commander noticed the missing core part of a ship first.

"How do they move such a thing?" The knight wondered.

"Surely not by paddling, that's for sure." The head navy commander amused his friend's question.


"The thing on it, looks like cannons."

"Big ones."

"It have crazy range, crazy speed, crazy armor, and crazy firepower."

"So it's crazy."

"You know what I mean, you ass kissing knight."

"That's what she said."

"....Sometimes I wonder how you managed to be the head of the royal order."


"Please, if anything, I'm glad I failed the interview."

"Sounds like skill issue."

"Can you speak properly for once?!"

"No. No I don't think I will."

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