(GMF D5 HM) From the Future, To the Past

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Green Micro-Fiction 2022 Day 5 Honorable Mention (Prompt: Divide)

"Samuel!" The blonde woman on television screamed for her lover as she was violently mauled by a wild animal, shrouded in the dark setting the movie took place in: A lush forest. Filmed in 2024.

It was the random movie generator on Netflix that had chosen this movie. You just wanted to take your mind off everything that was going on. It is 2079, 28th December. You had just celebrated your birthday a couple of weeks ago. You are 37 now, although you still feel like a sixteen-year-old and that doesn't really make sense to you at all. Sixteen was twenty-one years ago- When the Conservationists had announced that planet Earth would only last for about another thirty years. Obviously without any of the countries threatening to throw nukes at each other. The years had just passed too fast. Days were passing like how seconds passed back in your primary school classroom.

Two years ago the world had been divided into two kinds of people: Normals and Conservationists. Normals were those who had chosen to live life like 'normal'. Normal, without care of the planet that was dying under their feet, taking it for granted. And the Conservationists: People who dedicated their lives to saving the planet. Like you, who had chosen to become a Conservationist on a whim but your skills proved much appreciated and needed in the community.

After joining the Conservationists in early 2077, you were scouted by a few other engineers. In which you had partnered with to build a machine that would potentially save the world: an oxygen generator. That was the only option left. You and your team had made sure to divide the work well. You, taking the task of assembling the core of the machine.

The majority of the plants that were conserved by the Plant Management department had died due to the heat the greenhouse gasses in the troposphere trapped. Most of humanity had moved away from the equator since the start of 2035 as the Earth had begun to grow hot. The Maldives had finally sunk when you were thirteen, and thankfully, your parents had taken you there on a holiday when you were six. It was beautiful.

Your head throbs, a recurring headache that had been bothering you since you had woken you up this morning, one which was also preventing you from falling asleep.

You rub your temple. 'Why couldn't we have just listened at the start of this all. Maybe we could've prevented this from even happening. Humans take things for granted too often. But then again, we are all doomed to death in the end. But to conserve the planet and try to restore it to how it once was, the generations to come can get to experience the beauty of the Earth. I don't get it anymore. And we are not given a second chance. I pray science would just allow us to turn back time. I pray.'

It is impossible.

Wattpad Authors Notes:
Super surprised this scuffed writing placed HM actually. I spent 75 minutes on this one, not the longest nor the shortest. But the 2nd POV was something I don't usually do. I think I've done it once or twice now.

All in all, all the works I have submitted for GMF 2022 are works I am proud of.
がんばってくれてありがとうございました 😊。

I think this was the push to start writing again. I've been slacking off too much since the start of this year. I am grateful.

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