Happy New Year

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Recommended song: Monster, By: Imagine Dragons.

(Chaos' POV) Lower Manhattan, NY. December 31, 2*56. 11:00 pm.


It's cold, almost below zero even, and standing at the very top of the One World Trade Centers' beacon doesn't make it better. One foot standing atop a continuous blinking red light about 546 miles from the earth would turn anything into a blubbering nervous reck, but not me.

My void black wings pushing down air occasionally to keep me from falling off the beacon, looking across the cold night sky at the hundreds of lights glowing in Lower Manhattan, New York.

I've been staying here in NY for three days today. I left Echo, Vixen, Vi and Ki in the underground safe house the day after Christmas so I could arrive before New Years to have plenty of time to go over my plans.

I left with little with me: clothes I had someone specifically design for high-altitude weather, black skiing goggles so I could see through the harsh wind without hurting my eyes, black elbow length leather gloves and a black mouth mask that fits like a second skin over everything below my eyes and above my shoulders.

So covered head to toe in clothing, I took my time flying to New York. I booked a nice hotel to stay in while working out the final kinks to my plan, paying the front desk in cash so I didn't leave a trail. For about three hours now I've been circling high above NY, watching as the streets slowly and completely filled up with people who wish to see the Times Square Ball Drop.

Multiple popular music artists play and sing beneath Time Square while reporters and newscast stations tape it all live throughout most of the U.S so anyone with a T.V can watch the commemorative Ball Drop which signals the start of a new year. Pulling my goggles over my eyes and pulling my wings in tight against my body, I leaned back to start dropping from the red beacon. The loud and fast whistle of passing air as I fall head first towards the ground drowns out everything.

I do a 180 so that I'm facing the One World Trade Center, slowly pulling out my wings to catch the air currents and rise high above the city an slowly fly to the center of Time Square.

I check my watch; 11:41 pm. Hundreds of people are packed in the streets of Time Square, trying to get the best spot to watch the Ball Drop. A popular boys band is just coming out to play on a tall platform directly under the building holding the Ball Drop. Loud screams yell out as they make their entrance, they get louder as they start to play a song that must be quite popular considering the volume of praise coming from the crowd.

'Well, guess I should go before they start another song' I think while stretching out my body and wings. I watch the people below my perch on a skyscraper close to Time Square, pulling up my black mask before throwing my goggles on and pulling up my gloves.

Before I jump off the ledge, I click a palm sized remote; causing most of the lights in Time Square to flicker and die out. Loud shouts of surprise and fear ring out clearly from the now black mass below me. I click a button on the side of my goggles, turning them to night vision to see where to go. I flap my wings a few times to warm them up, jumping off the top of the skyscraper to quickly descend towards the platform which held not a single guard to surround the confused boy band.

Smirking at their ignorance I quickly angle myself to land in the center of the platform, a microphone just a few steps ahead of me. The force of wind caused by my wings blew cold wind into the four boys, nocking over one and messing up their designer clothes and haircuts. Once landing I flap my wings a few more times to work out the few kinks I got during my quick descent, pulling them in a bit to hang relaxedly behind me.

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