Growing Up Differently

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Recommended song: How Far We've Come, By: Matchbox Twenty.
(Chaos' POV)
(Will be in the U.S.A unless said otherwise) NW of Minot, North Dakota. September 24, 2*53. Morning.



*SLAM!*...'Stupid clock...what time is it?.....Why is my clock going off at SEVEN IN THE MORNING?!?!' I can't help but think this as I climb out of my warm bed and onto the cold, hard wood flooring. Nothing should be up at this god-awful hour of the day, and this goes especially for me. I was up last night till 3 am in the morning managing my stocks and finishing up reading the rest of that stupid 'Eco-friendly' proposal on sewage dumping off the coast of the Atlantic. So I'll ask again, WHY AM I UP?!?!

It's been five years since our escape from The Compound, and it's been a fresh new hell for us. Why? Because I had to find us a place to live that's secluded enough for some privacy, and then I had to find a secluded job so we didn't starve. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy; I mean, no one would hire a ten year old boy who for all they know is a runaway so...

I had one choice at the time. I invested all the money I'd 'borrowed' from passing strangers into stocks, and after many trial and errors I was finally making enough to start a living for the both of us.

Now, when I say 'the both of us,' I mean me and Echo; you see, Echo was the girl I rescued while escaping The Compound...and now, well, I've sort of taken her in as my little sister. I mean, come on! No way I could of left her after escaping from that ward, and it's not like I could of if I wanted too either.

[Flashback] The moment I landed on the ground she was freaking out, constantly repeating "Don't leave me!! Please don't abandon me, please take me with you! PLEASE!!" No way I could say no after that, and besides, I had planned on taking her with me the moment I found her curled up crying in that corner. [End of Flashback]

It's been five years, and we've become as close as real siblings, if not closer. Since our escape I've been setting up safe houses all across the world, and doing favors for 'big-wigs' so that when the time comes I'll be able to call in some of those favors. Though I do wish I had spent more time with Echo as a kid, I know that these preparations could, and will, save us in the future.

Since escaping The Compound and securing ourselves a home and job, I've had to deal with the 'other' problems we've been equipped with. Like, I don't know...just an example, the two protruding avian wings on our backs... Yep, all the children born in The Compound have been genetically altered in some way, and since me and Echo were born in Level One, we were born withe the attributes and instincts of avians.

All children born in The Compound were given acronyms, and from those acronyms our names were assigned to us. My letters were LS-A/C; which stood for Last Stage-Avian/Crow. The name that they produced for me from those acronyms was Slac. My generation was assigned 'Last Stage' because we were to be the last batch of genetically altered Avian humans, and Avian/Crow is because my avian half comes from the American Crow.

The head of The Compound had decided to stop the production of avian humans after my generation, because they had decided that there was no reason for further experimentation. They decided that the 'Last Stage' experiments had been perfected, and thus had no further use to them...

Anyway, after much persuasion on my half I had finally gotten Echo to tell me her acronyms and given name; LS-A/SO: Last Stage-Avian/Snowy Owl, and her given name in The Compound was Lasso. I wanted to know her numbers so I could learn what avian she'll get her abilities from so I could speculate some of the owl abilities she could possibly acquire in the future.

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