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0.1 welcome to bringston

SHOWING UP ON BRINGSTON CAMPUS without her parents by her side, was not how Devyn thought her first college move-in day would go. Coming into the day, she was expecting for both of her parents to be here with her, helping her unload her things into her dorm room. But instead, they were back home, working.

It didn't matter that her father had just worked an fourteen hour shift the day prior, with him picking up an extra shift. Or the fact that her mother had practically lived inside of her office for the past couple of days.

It didn't matter that her mother had purposely pushed back everything on her schedule, so that she could be there for her daughter. And it especially didn't matter that her father had specifically requested to be off for this weekend, even going as far as to requesting off a month prior.

All of it didn't matter. Because the moment that her father's commander issued an all-hands on deck situation, which in returned forced her mother—who was the newly appointed district attorney, to deem the situation their top-priority. Her parents had no choice but to head back into work.

"What does it look like?"

With the sound of her father's voice pulling her from her thoughts, which forced her to stop dwelling on the situation any further, Devyn's eyelashes flutter softly as she blinked down at her phone—and noticed how both of her parents were waiting for her to show them her dorm room.

"It's, uhm, it's kind of small." The teenager told her adoptive parents as a low sigh briefly escaped her lips. As she stood up from the small, and hard twin-sized bed that she was going to be forced to sleep on for the next year, the track athlete moved in the direction of her roommates already unpacked side—and flipped the camera around.

With her turning to face her side of the room, that had all of her things cluttered around her bed and small work area, Devyn lazily motioned towards her bare side of the room. "This is my side."

The room setup was what your typical dorm room would look like. There were two beds on opposite sides of the room. A small work area for both occupants. And two closest—one on either sides of the door.

"What's the bathroom situation looking like?" Adam questioned his daughter as he reached up, and scratched the side of his face as he briefly drew his eyebrows together for a moment.

"It's a community bathroom." The track athlete answered as another sigh escaped her lips.

She was going to be stuck sharing a bathroom with every girl on the floor, which was completely Devyn's fault to begin with. She was the one that decided to switch schools at the last minute, and enroll late—weeks after the deadline had passed. And because of her indecisiveness, she was stuck in a co-ed dorm.

"Do you need us to get you an off campus apartment or something?" Her father then questioned. The sergeant didn't like the idea of his daughter being in a co-ed dorm, living on the same floor with the opposite sex.

"No." The teenager immediately answered, shaking her head softly as she flipped the camera back around, so that her parents could see her face. "It's fine, and besides—all first-year students have to stay on campus."

"Stop worrying, Adam. There's nothing wrong with her staying in a co-ed dorm." Cristyn told her husband as she readjusted her phone.