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0.10 unexpected

THERE WERE TWO THINGS THAT Devyn didn't expect when she woke up on this morning—on this hot ass day. One; a power outage throughout the entire city. And two; a text message from her ex-boyfriend.

To say that she was surprised to receive a text from him was a complete understatement. The two weren't exactly on speaking terms.

Tyler had ended their relationship, just after a month after they celebrated their fifth anniversary together.
He ended their relationship because she decided to attend an HBCU instead of USC with him. Like they have been planning since they were thirteen-years-old.

And long distance wasn't something that he wanted, or wanted to attempt—despite him claiming to love her, so he ended things between the two through a text.

"Have you activated the emergency protocol?"

As she got off his message thread, simply not caring if he saw that she read his text, Devyn had looked up—locking her phone in the process, as she watched as Wilinda eyed her cousin.

"Girl, we don't even know that there is an emergency." Nate told the girl, speaking up for his best friend, since her focus was on her phone screen.

"Ok." Keisha finally spoke up—causing Devyn to blink softly in her direction. "My dad just said that the blackout is citywide."

"Just perfect." Devyn mumbled to herself, sarcastically, as she reached up to rub her forehead.

"All right. Everybody listen up." Keisha said, elevating her voice so that everyone could hear her. "It looks like the heat wave stressed the power grid, so the blackout's all over town."

"Guess we got to do our part to stay cool." One of the male residents then said, speaking up after Keisha as his fingers curled around the material of his gray wife beater—before lifting it over his head to showcased his very tone upper body.

With nearly everyone cheering him on—with Devyn's eyes darting over to him, subtly checking the boy out, Keisha immediately stepped towards her and shielded her eyes.

"Ok, no, no—y'all need to chill." Keisha uttered, instantly putting an end to the cheering as Devyn pried her hands off of her. "This blackout is not an invitation for y'all to be wilding in these streets."

Receiving wave-off's from half of the residents present, Devyn couldn't help but shake her head at her cousin. "You tried, failed, but tried."

"But we give you an 'A' for effort though." Simone said, as she stepped towards the residential advisor, and briefly rubbed her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I'm just glad that Art's the R.A. on duty and not me." Keisha told them as she looked around for a second. "Speaking of, I should probably go help him gather some candles and some lights, so, y'all behave,"

As her gaze landed on Nate, Keisha pointed her finger at the girl. "especially you."

"Me?" Nate questioned, gasping softly.


Shaking her head at the pair as Keisha left them to help Art out, Devyn eyed quickly darted to Nate as she flipped her braids over her shoulder—and turned around, about to leave. "Well, I'll catch y'all later?"