Different Directions

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Espresso Cookie wouldn't admit it. Not in a million years. Not in a thousand lifetimes. Yet, somehow Madeline Cookie seems to know every time they met:

He...cared. Yes, he cared about the knight.

Okay. Fine. Maybe he's had just a bit of a crush on him.

...Maybe it was more than a crush.

Not that he'll admit aloud or confront it. Burying himself into his work, or avoiding the problem completely.

He had settled down in this kingdom for quite a while now. Surely, it wouldn't take long before Madeleine Cookie came in on his sugar horse, attracting dozens of cookies with his glamor and boisterous laughter. It was strange, how fate seemed to always bring the two together.

Espresso took a sip of his coffee.

Huh. Come to think of it. It's been a week since he came into this growing kingdom.

Ah well, he supposed he should enjoy the silence just a bit longer.

Besides, being undisturbed meant that he could happily work on his experiments, uninterrupted.


Once he had escaped from the oven again, did he mount on his sugar horse. He lets out a sigh of relief then nuzzles his face into the horse's soft white hair as they sped away until the large hut was nowhere in sight. He followed his instincts, something he gave credit to the Divine.

Only later on did he slow his steed down to a casual trot.

Where should he go now?

Another kingdom to help rebuild and restore the land.

He debates on heading further south. Something told him to go there, and most of the time, he would comply. If he remembers through countless adventures, it would inevitably lead to a growing kingdom, and inevitably...

He couldn't help but frown a bit.

Right. He'd be a bother to Espresso, wouldn't he? Somehow his pure presence alone is enough for the other to despise him more. They could avoid each other, surely. He could just kind his business and Expresso would mind his own.

But Madeleine Cookie did not think of that.

He only thought of the words of a cookie that gave him a cold slap to reality, suggesting that perhaps he should stop going after someone that clearly disliked him.

He didn't believe it at first. But as time went on, it was something he noticed more and more. Sure, Espresso could be kind and often they helped each other—but he wrote it off as them simply being civil. Comrades. Not as friends.

So the knight commander silently begged the Divine for forgiveness and headed westward. He hoped the punishment for not taking Divine's guidance would be light.

It would be a long road to...well, who knows where, but he'll make it! He'll find another kingdom—another place to aid cookies and many others on their way.

The idea made him smile, putting those bitter thoughts on the back burner. Yes, he will spread his glory elsewhere. After all, who doesn't love a radiant knight?

It will be though going alone, but Madeleine is a tough cookie! He is sure that he will figure it out.


Espresso waited.


And waited.

More and more did he brush it off as some Madeleine-like excuse. Of course, he'd be late.

It was a long way here and Madeleine probably stopped by at some kingdom. It didn't matter.

The coffee mage groaned, resting his head on his desk. There he goes again.

Stupid Madeleine and his loud voice and arrogant personality. Stupid light cookie with his sparkling blue eyes and silky long hair of cream and that handsome-

Okay okay, snap out of it, Espresso. Witches, why was he thinking about that commander so much?

He sighs.

Maybe it's because he needs another cup of coffee.


That's just it.

Madeleine will come. One day.


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