autumn weather

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Espresso's focus was cut off by the sound of knocking at the door. He pauses from his work, and for a moment he could not help the twinge of annoyance. After all, who dares decided to interrupt his work?

Upon opening the door of his house, however, reveals the culprit: in the form of a letter with a blue wax seal and a single red rose.

Ah. So it was Madeleine.

Tearing the envelope, he gets a letter.

"To my beloved Espresso" it read in big fancy cursive that does large loops.

Especially at the capital letters.

He unfolds the paper to read its content, a hint of a smile on his lips as he sits down on a chair. The rose is set gently on the table.

He hums to himself, curled up comfortably as he reads:

Good morning, my love!

If I may, I wish to have a bit of your spare time.

I know you prefer your own coffee but it would mean the world if you could meet with me at the cafe. We can share a meal together and perhaps go out on a little walk afterwards.

I will be waiting. <3

Your beloved,


PS: it would be nice if you dress casually and warmly, my love! It is a bit chilly today!

PSS: I love you! <3

Espresso could not help but chuckle in amusement at Madeleine's attempts in writing a formal letter. It was endearing, the type that brought a bit of heat to his cheeks and threatened to melt him in his chair.

Well, he couldn't leave that cookie waiting.

Changing into a dark caramel sweater and black pants, he went out into the autumnal morning. Madeleine was right, there was a bit of a chill in the bright morning, a sign that winter was shortly on its way here.

It didn't take long for him to spot the other cookie, the knight was standing outside the cafe, seemingly having his head in the clouds. Madeleine was quick to spot Espresso though, and once they made eye contact did the blond smile and jogged his way over.


The knight commander himself wore a dark blue-grey coat over what seemed to be his usual white shirt and black slacks. Around his neck was a royal blue scarf, the same color as his cape. His hands are quick to clasp against his own, fingers a bit cold to the touch. Madeleine always seemed to have that sparkle in his eyes when he's happy or excited, something that the coffee mage finds amusing.

In the autumn morning, Espresso couldn't help but have his breath stolen from him. The pale sun illuminates the knight's hair, making the tips of it turn to gold. It bathes the former corrupted knight in a golden light, one might've mistaken him for an angel if you minus the wings.

"Good morning," Is his somewhat gruff response.

"Thank you for coming," The large grin fades into a soft smile, something so domestic and precious to him.

Madeleine Cookie smiles often but soft ones and small ones are a rare sight, especially when he is outside in public.

"Of course," He chuckled, "when you ask me in that way, how could I say no?"

"You could've come to humor me," The knight commander hummed, no real bite to his tone.

"Well, I suppose so but that would be cruel." His fingers untangle themselves from Madeleine's, finding them picking at the strands of his lover's scarf.

It is soft and warm.

"Either way, I'm glad you came," Madeleine says softly, going to take one of the mage's hands and pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles.

The gesture only makes him smile and he is quick to move his hand away.

"Well? Are we heading inside or are we going to stand here all morning?"

Madeleine sputters.

"O-oh! Yes! Yes, let's go inside... you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Espresso only tosses his head back in laughter as he is ushered inside.


In the mornings, especially when bathed in light—one couldn't even tell that the knight had once given into darkness. But here, somewhat bathed in shadows, is where Madeleine's eyes fade in between sapphire blue and crimson red.

To him, it is beautiful. A lovely gradient captured by the duality of light and shadow.

To Madeleine, it is only a reminder of what he was before. So much so that he has avoided looking in mirrors whenever it is dawn, dusk, or night. It is an eyesore.

And Espresso Cookie knows by the way their eyes meet and the knight averts his gaze—dropping the dopey smile for a serious expression that feels too out of place. The mage retaliates by shoving his hand to grab Madeleine's, which were shoved into his coat pockets. The knight shoots him a questioning glance, and Espresso only gives a small smile in a subtle attempt to assure him.

He watches as the gears turn in Madeleine's head before a wary and awkward smile appears.

Espresso Cookie only squeezes his hand.

Physical touch wasn't really exactly his love language. He didn't mind the affection, it just didn't speak as loudly to him as acts of service. However, physical touch was Madeleine's love language along with acts of service (though as kind as it was for Madeleine to help out, he should really ask instead of stubbornly going through with the unnecessary task. Only the Witches know how many times he's lectured him over it, that dense idiot).

(At least it's a work in progress.)

They get coffee. They get breakfast. They are situated at a table back outside, and Espresso gently eases his hand out of the warmth of Madeleine's hand and coat pocket. They sit across each other and the knight's eyes fade back to their usual deep blue hue.

They chat, banter, laugh. Madeleine's hands clasp around a hot mug of coffee. Espresso leaves his mostly untouched. Madeleine takes over the conversation and Espresso only quietly listens.

Red and gold leaves flutter down onto the golden biscuit brick streets, and other cookies are out and about doing their own business.

But all that fades away to the two cookies, lost in their own little world—sharing breakfast at a small cafe.

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