I Was So Sure

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CW: Religious themes(?)

My family's not really strict (we're Buddhist and we don't visit the temple but we do pray occasionally and practice Buddha's teachings) so I can't say this is accurate.

There is a scene that is based on one...somewhat negative experience I had. 

It should be noted that this occurs right after Madeleine is no longer evil lol


When Madeleine was taken (dragged. And by Espresso of all cookies) into the kingdom, he was on house arrest for a week. The knight wasn't a big fan of the idea but to be fair, he was serving Dark Enchantress Cookie for quite a while.

Cookies would take turns coming in to check in on him or even stay with him for a day.

The first day was Knight Cookie, and the younger knight stood by the front door of his house.

Okay, simple enough.

On the bright side, it allowed Madeleine to finally give his armor the cleaning and polishing it desperately deserved. He found himself loving it a lot more than he used to. There was something about putting all your energy into making armor shine that was relaxing to him.

Maybe it was after everything he went through, it was nice to just focus on a task he used to do routinely.

Madeleine smiled to himself when he saw the brilliant white color peek through from all the grime. He felt proud of himself but in a different yet not unwelcoming way. Only afterward did he realize how much his arms ached from putting in the extra elbow grease and he flopped down onto the floor.

He wasn't sure what to do now, so the knight commander simply let his mind wanted as he stares at the blank ceiling and walls.

Apparently, this house could also be his own, which was super cool! He had a home now in this kingdom, with a cookie he knew from the Republic!

The Republic...

Espresso Cookie...


Madeleine quickly shot up and shook his head furiously.

No! He wasn't going to think about Espresso's disdain for him! Not now!

Oh! He should see what else the house has!

The commander was quick to scramble up and rush off to check out the other rooms. It was quite big and spacious and if he ever made friends, he could invite them over for a sleepover! Wonderful!


Then Espresso was at his door the second day. Madeleine's expression turned into one of shock, taken aback by the coffee mage's appearance.

"Espresso?" Perhaps his confusion was clear on his face because said cookie only grimaced.

"I brought breakfast."

His eyes darted to the containers in one hand and two mugs of coffee in the other, as his mind slowly processed the words.

"Oh. Oh! Where are my manners?" He hastily opens the door wide and beckons Espresso in, guiding him to the small dining table.

They sit down. Madeleine thanks him for the food. Espresso mumbles something along the lines of "you're welcome". They eat.

It is incredibly awkward.

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