Madeleine's Fall From Grace

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Pomegranate Cookie watched her mirror, contemplating.

A bright cookie on a sugar horse was riding off and away, going the opposite direction of the kingdom. He runs into the woods, through the pathway that those new cookies have already cleared away.

How peculiar, she mused.

A plan started to weave its web into her mind and she couldn't help but smile.

This cookie could potentially be a fine addition to their group.

She just had to play her cards right.


Traveling alone is hard, Madeleine Cookie realized very quickly. Often times he'd have to polish his armor again, and often times he didn't have enough time to. At first, it itched at his nerves to no end. His beloved armor, all covered in dirt and scratches. At the very least, he polished his sword and shield, as it was the gift from Divine itself.

He helped tiny villages, heard stories of other cookies that have passed by before him. He could only guess they were that new kingdom. For helping them with raids, they gave him a place to stay for a while to recover.

He did his best.

It seemed they were charmed by his bright grin, his brilliant sword, and tales of adventure.

It kept those dark thoughts at bay.

He will not succumb to those thoughts.

He refused.

After defeating some Ginkgoblins, Madeleine was given a free room to stay in while he was at the pilgrim village. In exchange, he would help defend the village (and some gold) while he was here. It was quiet here, but nice.

Here he met another cookie. They were cloaked with brown rags, the only thing sticking out was part of their face which was a grey-colored dough. They seemed to be in awe of his strength and glory (after all, who wouldn't?) and the two struck a conversation.

The cloaked cookie asked where he was going, and Madeleine responded that he would be heading to the Vanilla Kingdom.

(After all, where else should he go?)

The cloaked cookie exclaimed that they too were heading to the Vanilla Kingdom, but was unable to due to the trials of the Hero's Gate.

"They're quite difficult," they sighed, "I failed to pass them."

"I'll help you," Madeleine offered with a grin, "after all, with assistance from someone as great as myself—I'm sure we'll have a chance."

The cloaked cookie snorted, "You must be real full of yourself huh..."

The knight smiled sheepishly, "Two cookies are better than one, my friend..."

Ah. He never got their name, did he?

"Speaking of! We do not know each other's names!" He is quick to apologize, "I am terribly sorry. I am Madeleine Cookie, at your service."

The knight bows, "May I have yours?"

Perhaps this cookie was a tad flustered, as they sputtered, "Y-You... You can call me Reaper Cookie."

Ah. Perhaps it was the sugar bone scythe they carried, part of it wrapped in rags.

"Ah! It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Reaper Cookie," the knight smiled.

At least, he had a new friend for a while. Someone to travel with. It made things less lonely.

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