Part Ten

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No One's POV
A loud beep was heard as everyone looked to the tank. The contents inside, the liquid solution that held Error, was now a red tint in comparison to its normal green one. Sci walked in, quickly looking over at Error "H-Hah! It worked!" He said, typing some things into the computer next to the tank. Geno, who was now calm and seated on the couch beside Fresh, looked up immediately "He's okay?" Fresh nodded in response "That's right, brah. Error brah's gonna be just fine" he said, giving him a reassuring smile. Geno smiled back, looking back at the tank. Oh how excited he was. To properly see his brother after years, to hug him. He couldn't wait for Sci to take him out of that big, stupid tank.

Speaking of which, the tank opened with a sound of the air being released. Error looked around and landed lastly on Sci, who smiled at him and held his hand out for him to take. "It's okay. Y-You're fully restored, you can s-step out" Error looked down at his hand for a moment before taking it, stepping out slowly and carefully. Once fully out, he let go of Sci's hand and looked around once more, landing on Geno. He nodded gently and smiled, letting him know he was alright and ready for his promised hug. Geno immediately teared up and ran towards Error, pulling him into a tight hug as he cried on his shoulder. Error hugged him back, looking at Fresh and waving him over, since he was just standing there. Fresh shook his head with a nervous chuckle "Nah brah, you know I'm not that good with-" "Get over here" Error finished, interrupting him. He smiled at him "Come on, I know you missed me too. Even if you can't comprehend it, I know you did" Fresh sighed and walked closer, wrapping his long arms around both of his brothers. "I-I missed you.." Geno choked out between his sobs, to which Error simply responded with petting his skull to calm him down "I know, I know.. I missed you guys too.." Geno looked up and ran his finger under his eyes, wiping away his remaining tears. He smiled at Error and pat his shoulder "Go hug him, I know how you both feel about each other.." he had been examining how Ink was with Error when they first walked in, and how comfortable Error was with him. Error blushed lightly but nodded, letting go of Geno and walking over towards Ink. Ink looked up towards Error, turning to face him. Error walked closer, pulling Ink into a tight, but gentle hug. Ink hugged him back, sighing contently. He had been waiting for this. "Thank you.." Error said quietly, to which Ink responded with a quiet, "You're welcome.."

Error looked back over at Geno, him nodded at him. Error smiled at his nod, turning back to Ink and placing his hands on either side of his face, pulling him into a gentle kiss. Ink froze for a moment, slowly kissing him back. He couldn't believe it. The ghost entity, the exact entity he hated himself for loving, loved him back. Had he planned this? How long did he feel this way? Ink couldn't think straight with all the questions going through his head, and the fangirling behind him didn't help. "HAH! I TOLD YOU HE LIKED HIM BACK! I WIN!!" Said Blue, looking at Dream. Apparently they had made a bet on wether Error liked Ink back and on who would confess. Dream had lost by saying that he didn't like him back, and that Ink would be the one to confess first. He dug around in his pocket before placing money in Blue's hand, $20 to be exact. Blue hummed in victory, placing the money in his pocket. Ink pulled away and giggled, placing a gentle kiss on Error's cheek. Error blushed brightly and looked away, a content smile on his face.

And here came Geno. The protective, but happy older brother, who had to put his comment in on their blooming relationship. He wrapped his arm around Error's shoulder, giving Ink a stern look. "You harm him, mentally, physically, sexually, I don't care. You'll be speaking to me and Fresh. Am I understood?" Error groaned, turning to Geno and hugging him, burying his face into his shoulder in embarrassment "Genoooo- I can handle myself-" Ink giggled, nodding with a smile "You have my word. He'll be safe as long as I am around him." Geno gave a smile, nodding back "Good. We will have no issues then." Error looked up at him "You're so embarrassing-" Geno chuckled, giving him a noogie on the top of his skull "Only because I love you, brother"

((Time skipppp-))

They were at the brother's home. Their mother, CQ, had been off hanging with a friend, most likely Asy, so they didn't mind being here. Dream and Blue had gone home, after having their greetings with Error of course. As of now, Geno and Error were on the couch, Error sitting up and Geno laying on his lap. And sitting behind Error as his little headrest was Ink, while Fresh was seated on the floor beside the couch. Only because he didn't like the idea of piling on top of them, and their couch was relatively small anyways. "Well, tell me about your lives so far." Error said as he looked down at Fresh, smiling. "Let's start with you, Fresh"

Fresh shrugged "There's not a lot to say, really" he then thought of something and slouched down slightly so he could see them better "You remember that kid I used to hang out with, Decans?" Error chuckled "You mean 'Deccy'? That kid I tried to beat the shit outta that one time? Yeah, I remember-" Fresh nodded "We're together now" Error was kinda dumbfounded "Woah, what? I thought you couldn't feel anything? How'd you feel anything like love?" Fresh shrugged "I didn't exactly. I felt a certain way about him, spoke with Geno brah about it, and he told me it was love. I told Deccy-Dec about it, cause I thought he should know. He told me we could try dating and see how it goes, so we did. Been about a year. He's helped me find some emotions though, you know? The whole jealousy deal, love, whatever" Error smiled, patting his skull "I'm happy for you. I'll have to meet him again, this time as your boyfriend and not as some random kid-" he said with a chuckle, looking at Geno "What about you, bro?"

Geno sighed "I finally got with Reaper.. after his years of begging and flirting-" Error chuckled, patting his shoulder "I knew you two would get together at some point! Is he still an ass?" Geno shook his head "Not towards other people. He's still a pain in the ass, but not one in general, no. We've been together for about 3 years now, I think." He said, a small smile forming on his face as he spoke about his overly loving and touchy boyfriend. He did love him, wether he admitted it sometimes or not. "He's been talking about marriage, but I told him I wasn't ready until after highschool. Which is only getting closer since I'm a senior now." He said with an exhausted sigh. Being a senior sucked, with everyone asking what he would do after school and with keeping grades up.

"Don't forget Goth, brah"

"Oh yeah.." Geno didn't even know where to begin with Goth. "I..uh.." he was kinda scared of rejection, if he was honest. Their mother had already scolded him when he told her, he was scared of the same thing again. Error placed his hand on his shoulder reassuringly "Come on, it's alright. You can tell me" he said with a gentle smile. Geno sighed deeply, preparing himself for Error's response "I...have a kid.." Error was a bit shocked, though he didn't mind. It wasn't his life, and he would support his brother either way "Is it Reaper's?" Geno nodded "His name is Goth, as you heard. He's almost 2." He said with a smile as he spoke about his son. Error smiled "I'm happy for you. I'm sure you're a great parent for him, as well as Reaper. I'll have to meet him sometime." Geno nodded again "Definitely. You can meet them once you're ready. Goth stays at Reaper's since he lives by himself and he's already graduated, and I'll probably live with them once I graduate"

Fresh looked at his phone as he heard a ding, a message from their mother. He read it, reading it aloud to his brothers "Ma said she's not coming home. Bad weather or sumthin'." Geno nodded "Alright. I'm gonna go call Reaper real quick then." He never spoke to Reaper around CQ since she wasn't such a fan of him. Wether it was cause of him as a person or because he got her son pregnant and gave him a kid as a 17 year old, he didn't know. He didn't really want to guess or find out though. Fresh nodded "Go call him, brah. Tell the little buddy hey for me" Geno smiled as he stood up "I will. I'll see you two later, or in the morning if I fall asleep-" he said with a giggle as he walked upstairs to his room. Fresh looked at the couple on the couch, noticing Ink kinda zoned out on Error. He smiled and tapped Error's leg, titling his head towards Ink. Error glanced at him and blushed slightly at his stare, looking back at Fresh "I'm gonna go to bed. Today's been a long day-" Error chuckled and nodded "Alright, I'll see you in the morning then. Goodnight" "Night brah" Fresh said, getting up and making his way towards his room upstairs as well.

Error leaned back against Ink, laying his head on his shoulder. Ink wrapped his arms comfortably around him, seemingly out of his trance. He smiled, kissing his forehead "I'm so glad you're back.." he said quietly, which he got a similarly quiet response from Error "I'm glad you brought me back.." he said, turning his body to lay on his stomach against him. He leaned up and kissed Ink gently. It was a quick kiss, not as long as their first. He smiled at him after pulling away, leaning against him again. Oh how good it felt to be with him now..

To be home..

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