Part Thirteen

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No One's POV

Ink and Error had been together for about two years now, and Error figured it was time to make a big, big decision for the couple.

That's right, you probably guessed it.

He was proposing.

He couldn't lie, he had been waiting for this moment. He had wanted to propose to his precious Inky since the moment he knew he loved him. Sorta strange, but it was the truth. He had already gotten the ring, set up how he would do it, and even asked for blessings from Ink's brothers, since his parents weren't around to give him permission. They of course agreed, wanting what was best for Ink and had supposedly deemed that Error was the answer.

The engagement ring was a nice silver with 6 gems aligned in the front to arrange a rainbow, simple clear gems going around the rest of the ring. The wedding rings he wanted, if Ink even said yes, which he was almost sure he would, were very similar. The only difference was that instead of silver, the ring was colored black. This would give the contrast between the two rings, which was exactly what he wanted. He wanted everyone to see the constrast from a distance and know that he was happily taken and married.

If he said yes.

Error shook the thought from his mind, checking himself in the mirror once last time. He had already told Ink he would be taking him on a surprise date, as well as to dress in his formal clothes. He knew neither of them were the formal type, most of their formality being flannels. Speaking of flannels, that was exactly what Error was wearing. A dark red flannel with a dark blue undershirt, along with black jeans. He sent a quick message to Ink to let him know he was ready and leaving before going out to his car, following through with that and leaving.

~Time skip~

A knock sounded at the door of Ink's home, where Error stood. He quickly checked his pocket where the small box was located, discreetly, of course. Once he was sure he had it, he put his grip back to the bouquet again, which held simple flowers of rainbow colors, much like the ones he carried during their first date. He smiled as the door opened, revealing none other than the man he would propose to. Ink stood there, dressed casually, of course in attempt to dress formally. He smiled once Error handed him the bouquet of beautifully colored flowers. He took in the sight of them before looking back up at Error "These look awfully familiar" he said with a quiet giggle.

Error's smile only grew. That was it. His small, almost shy, but happy giggle. It reminded Error of the man who he had fell in love with. Everything he stood for. Everything he lived for.

Nonetheless, he simply nodded "I tried my best to get as close to the original ones as I could. I hope you'll see why soon" he said, holding his hand out for him to take "So, shall we go?" To which Ink nodded, taking his hand with a gentle smile. Error made sure he was fully ready before shutting his door for him, bringing him exactly where he wanted to go

~Time Skip~

Error and Ink arrived in Outertale, where Ink looked around, noticing one specific spot. A spot by the cliff with a rather large blue blanket and plenty of snacks. He smiled, looking back at Error "You really tried to re-create it, huh?" Error nodded in response, leading him over to the blanket. Ink immediately sat down, looking up at Error as he patted the spot beside him. He got confused when he wouldn't sit, tilting his head slightly "Sit down, Ruru"

Error knelt down in front of him, digging in his pocket as he spoke "Ink, I've been waiting for the perfect time to do this.. and that long waiting has finally come to an end.." he pulled the box out, holding it closed in front of him. "I've loved you for quite some time, shortly after we met was when I finally realized that I loved you. There's no way to thank you for everything you've done for me. Hell, you brought me back to life, how am I supposed to repay that?" He said with a quiet chuckle as Ink's hand flew to his mouth, finally understanding what this was. Error smiled "The only way I could ever think of repaying you, was by officially making you mine.." he said, opening the box to reveal the ring inside "Inky, will you make me the happiest man, and marry me?" He didn't have to wait long before being tackled into a hug by his lover, a span of multiple yes's coming from him. He pulled him into a deep and loving kiss, Error obviously returning it. Ink didn't bother to pull away by much, mumbling quiet words against the other's 'lips' "I love you.." Error chuckled, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it onto Ink's finger before pulling him into a hug

"I love you too, sweetheart.."

((You guys know I had to make an engagement chapter- I figured it was the best way to make up for being gone for a month- I might also do the marriage next chapter if you want it- anyways, here's the ring I used for reference-))

((You guys know I had to make an engagement chapter- I figured it was the best way to make up for being gone for a month- I might also do the marriage next chapter if you want it- anyways, here's the ring I used for reference-))

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((That's the wedding band- it wouldn't let me upload his engagement ring, but it's literally just the same but with silver where it's black-))

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