The Fuel Mission

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Sabine's POV

We were low on fuel. Very low. Whatever we did, it just backfired on us. The Ghost, our rebel ship, barely has enough fuel to get us out of Lothal.

Hera, our twi'lek pilot, is worried. She's always frantic, always yelling at us to fix something or think of a plan. It's getting quite annoying. Kanan, the Jedi, is always trying to calm her and everyone down. Zeb, the lasat, and Ezra, Kanan's Padawan, are pretty much normal. Both being annoying and stuff. Choppers freaking out though, which is strange. He's usually just grumpy.

Me, on the other hand, am REALLY worried. We don't have any extra credits for any paint! I know it's really selfish, but painting is the one thing keeping me sane. It keeps me calm, it helps me forget. Not being able to paint or draw or create is making my anxiety go crazy and my mind unable to settle.

"Sabine!" Hera screamed through my comlink, "get down here! We're making plans!"

"On my way," I replied. Goodness, why does she need to scream so much? I ran down to Hera and the group, who were planning something out. I took a deep breath and tried to focus.

"Finally, everyone's here," Kanan said, raising an eyebrow at me, "okay, we're thinking of robbing the Empires cargo ship, which is carrying fuel. A lot of it. Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and I will sneak on the ship when it lands here in Lethol. Sabine will shut off the alarm systems by sneaking into the control room with Zeb, while Ezra climbs through the vents to the room and I will meet him there to find and steal the fuel. Get up nice and early so we can catch the ship." I listened closely. It sounded easy, but knowing us something will go terribly wrong.

The next day

Kanan was ordering us around as if we had never done it before. I was going through the plan, which was fairly simple, in my head. We were approaching the ship, which was pretty large for just a cargo ship. When we got there Hera quickly dropped us off behind some buildings close to the ship. Kanan and Ezra stayed hidden as Zeb and I crept towards the entrance. I looked back to see Kanan give the signal. Zeb and I snuck onto the ship behind a guy carrying some crates.

I pulled out my little copy of the ship and directed Zeb where to go. He nodded and we ran down the hall moving quietly and efficiently.

Once we arrived to the alarm room, the workers there freaked out immediately, getting out their blasters and trying to get help. I rolled into the room and shot my blaster at them while Zeb smashed their heads. After they were knocked out, I locked the doors and looked at the camera.

As I scanned the cameras, I saw a familiar, creepy face and my spirits wavered. It was him. The Inquisitor was on this ship. Ezra and Kanan think he's no big deal, but this guy freaks me out. He always seemed to know where we were and how to find us. Although I'll never admit it, seeing Ezra fight him scared me no matter how much I tell myself to get used to it.

"Zeb," I say, "come look." He walks over and looks at the screen. I need to tell Kanan.

"Specter 1," I call to his comlink. No reply. "Specter 1!" Subtle nervousness crept through me as I sighed. Where is he?

Ezra's POV
Kanan and I waited for Sabine's signal. Sabine... Man I had it bad. I knew it wasn't going to happen... she's older than me and who would want to date a kid like me? She was just so pretty and strong and perfect. I smiled as I thought of her, until Kanan nudged my shoulder a little bit. I shouldn't even be thinking about that right now. I squeezed my eyes shut, shaking my head. I always think of stupid unnessacary things when I'm supposed to be focused.

Kanan's comlink started buzzing, and neither of us understood what it meant. We assumed it was Sabine giving the signal. After checking for workers, we made our way into the ship. After spotting a vent Kanan helps me up. I crawl my way over to the cargo room using the little map Sabine made for us. Suddenly, I hear a light saber, making me freeze. What the heck? Kanan's not supposed to have his light saber out right now. I shook my head, he probably ran into some bucket heads.

I crawl over the trapdoor to the cargo room, and I drop to the ground. I quickly realized that Kanan wasn't there. Stormtroopers were surrounding me. And the Inquisitor was standing behind them.

Sabine's POV

I started getting nervous. All the stormtroopers were all heading to the cargo room, and I couldn't make contact with Kanan or Ezra. The doors were stuck. This is definitely a trap.

All of the stormtroopers were in the cargo room. And so was the Inquisitor.

Then Ezra drops in. And the stormtroopers were surrounding him. Kanan was stuck outside. The nervous, uneasy feeling in my stomach turned to dread in a second.

I see Ezra start panicking. He gets out his light saber blaster, but it's no use. The Inquisitor punches Ezra's head suddenly and he falls to the ground.

"Ezra!" I shout as the camera to the cargo room goes blurry, then black.

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