Finding the Crew

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Sabines POV

My mind was buzzing as I sat in the pilots chair of the stolen little cargo ship, looking at the stars. I kissed Ezra Bridger. I replayed it over and over, and after awhile, I was spinning in the plush, comfortable pilots seat.

Ezra walks in behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I came back to reality. The crew, the stolen ship, and all the bad things that are happening flood my mind.

"Sabine," he says, "how are we going to find everybody? We don't have a clue where they are."

The truth was, I didn't know either. We stole this ship, but then what? Hera was usually the one with all of the information on where everything is. She's not here right now. I guess we could hack into the data system and see if there's anything we can find about them. But if would be hard to without Chopper.

"I don't know Ezra..." I say, resting my head on my hands. I thought about telling him, but decided not to right now. It probably wouldn't even work. "Let's go somewhere safe to sleep. I'm getting tired." Everything that has been happening today has left me feeling more tired then usual.

"You're sure this thing can't go to hyperspace?" He asks, looking around at the controls.

"Usually this ship is parked inside another bigger ship. Do you have any ideas where to go?"

"Well, we have to go somewhere where the Empire won't find us, and Lothal is packed with troops."

I look on the screen in front of me that has a map on it. There aren't many planets that don't have to much Empire activity. There aren't any close ones, but I see one that's kinda far away. We'd be able to make it in about 12 hours if we go quickly. I'm confident, until I realize something. A TIE fighter. How did they find us?!

"Ezra," I say," did you take it out the tracker?"

He shakes his head no. Panic rises in me, and I frantically reach for the cannon. The Empire can find us when we have the tracker in. I forgot all about it in the mess we were in!

"Ezra! Go take out the tracker! It's in the little cabinet thing at the bottom of the control panel! Go!"

I try shooting at the TIE, but miss. The cannons on this this thing are horrible. I wish we found something a little better then a stupid cargo ship! I try putting all our support to the shields. The shields aren't great either.

"Sabine!" He calls," I found something!"

"Is it the tracker?!"

"No, but-"

"Just find the tracker!"

"But this is really important-"

"I said find the tracker!"

The TIE shoots at us, and hits us. It didn't do anything, just knocked down some crates in the back. The shields won't hold for much longer.

"Sabine I found something that can get us into hyperspace!"

"What are you talking about?" 

"Seriously! I found a switch thing that says 'Enable Hyperspace'."

So that's why in the corner there's the controls for hyperspace. I thought they didn't work. I hit the TIE, but more come right after. We wouldn't make it unless we jump to hyperspace NOW.

"Switch it on!" I yell at him.

I run over to the hyperspace controls. The lever and computer light up. The system looks like it hasn't been used for years. We get hit again, but barely. We'll be okay.

"Yes! I got the tracker!" Ezra yells. I smile, type in the controls for hyperspace towards the planet, and pull the lever. The ship zooms into hyperspace. We were lucky they didn't find us before. I wonder why.

"Yes!" I say

I take the tracker from him, bringing it into the crate room. It was a small black box, with broken, ripped wires coming out of it. It felt warm in my hand.

"What are we going to do with it?" He asks, pointing to the tracker.

"Well," I say, "we are going to do this."

I get a red sparkly sphere shared thing that is used for a desk decoration from the crates. Why the heck would they bring this to Lothal? It's looked beautiful, but only an artist would understand why you'd need it. The people of Lothal would find it useless. I don't really want to break something so pretty, but it was the hardest thing I could find. I start smashing the tracker with it. My fingers can't grip on right, so it takes awhile, but it starts breaking in two. After it is completely broken, I set it on of the crates, alongside the chipped decoration.

"Okay," he says, looking in the crates for more things. I decide to join him, looking for food and blankets. There was mostly stupid, useless things like the decorations. They should've kept them with the Empire, with they're fancy restaurants and buildings for the people who are loyal to them. They would have more use there.

I finally found some gray thin blankets, the kind that were on the bunks at the Academy. I lay them on the floor, making a bed. Ezra gets the food, and we eat at the small table. It wasn't much, just some canned fruit.

I wonder why they were bringing this to Lothal. They probably weren't giving it away to the citizens. Did they have some kind of camp for themselves inside that building those two stormtroopers were going in? Where they needed table decorations?

After eating I go to the pilots chair again, looking out at the stars. I let myself get lost in thought, thinking about Ezra.

Thinking about him holding me back at the Ghost, thinking about how when I kissed him, he woke up from his coma, thinking about how he held me last night. About we kissed, just a few hours ago.

I look back at Ezra, watching him add more blankets so it would be more comfortable. He looks up and smiles. I turn around again. My armor felt heavy on my shoulders, so I took it of, leaving my in my black and tan pants and grey shirt. On a normal day, I wouldn't go to bed this early, but I crawled into the bed with Ezra, put my head on his chest, and went to sleep.

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