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Sabine POV

Kanan, Zeb, and I were on the Guost, safe and sound. But Ezra wasn't.

He was on the Empire ship somewhere, alone. We left him there.

Hera understood how we couldn't stay and save him. I don't know how though. I can't understand anything. Chopper seems disappointed as well. He's not grumpy, just quiet.

People say that droids really don't have emotions, and maybe that's true. But I think Chopper was made with the right amount of care to have something. Some feelings.

After I fixed up and bandaged my shot wound, I've been sitting on my bunk, staring at the ceiling. I wish Ezra was here. I wish he would come in here right now, and say something to me. Anything. Thoughts swirled around in my head of what they're doing to him.. what they might do to him.

It's only been a couple hours, but I miss him. I'm worried about him. I want him safe. I need him safe. He belongs here with us, even if he's sometimes annoying. I've always hated Ezra flirting with me. But now I would give anything for him to come in here and say how great I look, or how awesome my paintings were.

I regret I wasn't nicer to him. I regret how I didn't realize how much life he brings to the Ghost. I regret that I did something to save him. That I didn't get out of that room. Fixed the speakers. Thought of a way to get out faster. Found a way to stop the Inquisitor.

Hera walks in, breaking my thought.

"Hey," she says, "come with me. I need to talk to you." I nod and jump of the bunk. She leads me the little hallway with the benches. I sit down.

"I know you don't understand," Hera says, "but there's a bigger picture here. Bigger then all of us. If Kanan got caught, it would be ruined."

"Hera," I say to her," what is this 'bigger picture'. I don't think I would be able to forgive myself if I didn't know." Hera shakes her head and looks to the floor.

"Sabine, I'm sorry. I can't tell you. Just trust me. We'll get Ezra back, I promise."


"I'm afraid I don't know that. We have to wait at least a little while for your wound to heal, we need you in good condition. There are lots of factors that play into this, I'm sorry Sabine. I want him back too, but these things take time."

Hera walks off, leaving me alone. My head falls to my hands, this is so frustrating! I could've saved him! But I'm too stupid! I should've convinced them, made them understand. I stomp my foot on the ground. Is Ezra less important then this "bigger picture"?! I can't believe that.

My stress was way up, I need to paint something.

Ezra's POV

Agent Kallus and the stormtroopers took me to a cell in the ship. If I asked questions, they'd punch me or kick me. I know that Sabine and everyone are safe. I can feel it.

But what will happen to me? It's frustrating not knowing anything.

"You'll get fed once a day," a stormtrooper says to me, and I glare up at him. He kicks me, hard. "Respect the Empire, kid." I wince in pain. What is up with these guys? Respect the Empire. Yeah, like anyone does.

It sucks being in this cell. Alone. I wish Sabine, and everyone else, was here. I mean, I wish I was there, in the Ghost.

I stand up, and sit on the little bench that's pushed up against the wall. I wonder what Sabine is thinking. Is she worried? Unlikely. But deep down, I feel she is, at least a little. But maybe it's just me.

I like Sabine. A lot. She doesn't understand. She deserves the universe. I'm not saying that I like her as much to say I love her, but I do really like her. She's so beautiful in a subtle way, like she doesn't try to be. Maybe I should stop daydreaming about someone I'll never have and start focusing on how to get out. Curse my teenage boy feelings. Count on my to worry about my little crush instead of saving my life.

There's no code anywhere how to get out, so I can't get out like that. The door is completely sealed. There's zero windows or vents. The walls are perfectly square. This is hopeless.

Maybe if I was smarter, I wouldn't be in this situation right now. I wish I glanced down before I dropped, or found a way out of the stormtroopers grasp as he dragged me here.

I hope I don't die here. If I get out, I'll find the courage to tell Sabine about my feelings toward her. I'll make sure she knows I like her, and she's beautiful and awesome. I regret not telling her earlier.

When I get out, I'll stop doing things I know I'll regret.

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