Falling in Love

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Kanans POV

Ezra was getting better with the help of the crew. I've noticed that him and Sabine have been spending a lot of alone time together. Ever since I saw Sabine cry when Ezra was captured, I knew she had feelings for him. I also knew that Ezra always flirted with Sabine, but did he have REAL feelings towards her?

I know that I'm breaking the Jedi Code having such a close relationship with Hera, but I can't help but notice Ezra's breaking it too. Does he know he's not allowed to love Sabine? Probably not. If he did know, would he stop loving her? Probably not.

I put my head on my hands as I sit down at Heras piloting chair, propping my elbows up on the steering. We're parked on Lothal right now, so I don't have to worry if I accidentally move it.

I sense Hera coming, so I immediately relax. She has either a nervous effect on me, or a calming effect on me, its strange.

"What's bothering you, love?" She says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing much, it's just, have you realized how much time Sabine and Ezra have been spending together? I think... I think..." I say, looking up at Hera.

"That they're falling in love? I know. Don't worry about it. He'll come talk to you if something happens."

I nod, watching her leave. I stare at her, watching how gracefully she walks, but how tough she is. She's beautiful, in so many ways.

I find myself daydreaming for a couple of minutes, when Chopper comes in, beeping laughs at me.

"Shut up Chop," I say, leaving the room.

Sabines POV

I couldn't get my mind off of Ezra. Of our hug. The Ghost was busy, everyone yelling and stuff. I don't even know what's going on. I look up at the ceiling as I lay on my bed, propping my feet on the wall. My lips wouldn't stop smiling, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't even concentrate on painting.

I leave the room, heading for the kitchen. My stomach is grumbling, so I guess I should get a bite to eat. As I sit down with a plate of food, Ezra walks into the room and immediately perks up.

"Oh, Sabine," he says, "watcha doin?"

"What does it look like?" I say, pointing to my food. Gotta keep my cool, even though on the inside my stomach does a little flip. He nods, and sits down next to me. I smile, looking away.

"Uh... so..." he starts, his face turning pink.

"What?" I say, curious to know why he was so nervous.

"You know when I got... captured? We haven't talked about it... did I... did I hurt you?" He says softly, his voice cracking, tears filling his eyes. My eyes got a little watery too.

"When?" I reply, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He was talking about the whole 'dark side' thing.

"You know, when I... turned..." I nod, wishing I could say no.

"I wish I could say no... but it wasn't physically or anything... and it also wasn't really your fault..." I whisper to him, feeling tears fall down my cheeks.

I look like a stupid little baby, crying like that. I expected him to say something like I shouldn't cry or man up, but instead, he slides closer to me, letting me lay my head on his chest.

I felt protected, just like I did when we hugged. I love being close to him. I love it when we touch, and we were doing just that.

We sat there together, cuddled up next to each other, for hours. It was getting dark outside, and I was falling asleep. Soon enough, I fell asleep, cuddled up next to Ezra.

Ezra's POV

I looked down at her face as I held her close, never wanting to let go. I couldn't believe that we were doing this, cuddled up so close. I'd never imagine this would actually happen. I love her. More then anything. I'm never going to leave her again.

I noticed that she fell asleep, and smiled. She looks so quiet and beautiful. I got up slowly, making sure not to wake her. I lifted her up bridal style, and slowly carried her to her room.

When we got there, I set her on her bed and pulled the blankets over her. I crouched down so our faces were on the same level.

"I love you," I whispered, not expecting an answer.

"I love you, too," she whispered back, surprising me. Did she know what was happening? Was she awake?

I stood up, turned around, and walked towards my room, smiling the whole time.

I realized that for the first time in what seems like forever, I was truly happy. All because of Sabine.

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