The Recovery part 2

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AN: sorry for not updating! Anyways. The story's ending soon, should I make a sequel???

Sabine's POV

When Ezra woke up, I felt like I had been in a coma too. I finally started living again.

As Kanan said, Ezra needed help walking. So I was going to help him. He's been in bed for the whole day and night, and I've only briefly said hi to him. Hera hasn't let us really talk to him.

"Hera," I say as she walks down the hallway, "when will I be able to talk to Ezra?"

"In the morning," she replies. I groan.

"But Hera-"

"I said in the morning." She turns around and goes to Ezra's room.

I waited a month and I can't even talk to him.

My body has literally been jumping around since I kissed him, and he woke up. Did I make him wake up? Could he hear what I was saying? Does he know I like him? All I want is to go and kiss him again and again properly this time.

One day, he might let me.

Ezra's POV

All I wanted to see was her. I needed her. As much as I pleaded and begged Hera, she wouldn't let me get out of bed.


I feel like she's the only real thing I can remember. Everything else is a blur. Hera won't tell me anything. Anything! She's getting super annoying!

"Hera, why can't I go now? I feel perfectly fine. I'd feel even better if you'd tell me why I have to stay here, how I got here in the first place, and why everyone is freaking out!?"

She just rolls her eyes. I've said that like forty million times, and all she said was I need to calm down and get my energy. I have plenty of energy!

"Ezra, eat this." Hera hands me a plate of fruit, and I reluctantly take a bite. I've eaten like the whole kitchen!

"Hera," someone says. It's Kanan. "Why don't you let me talk to him for a minute?" Hera looked up at him, then looked back at me.

"Fine," Hera says," but don't be too long."

I look up hopefully at Kanan, wanting answers.

"Hey kid," he says, sitting in a chair next to me, "you're probably wondering what the heck is going on."

"Yeah, I am," I replied, "Hera won't tell me anything! What is going on?"

"Well, it's complicated. Do you remember... being captured from the empire?"

Suddenly memories come back, being captured, being forced to say things to Kanan, Zeb, and... Sabine. Then I remember trying to escape, and the Empire saying that they were going to turn me to the dark side. Then the Inquisitor injecting me with... the dark side stuff...

"No no no no!" I yell, "I couldn't have turned! Did I hurt you guys? Did I hurt Sabine?"

Kanan looks down. I feel a tear threaten to roll down, so I curl up into a ball and put my forehead on my knees.

How? How could I hurt Sabine? What kind of monster am I?

"You didn't hurt her, Ezra," Kanan says, "you stopped the lightsaber right before it touched her."

"What?" I replied.

"Sabine and I made a serum that turns you back to the light side. It was easy. The hard part was getting it to you. Sabine was in front of you, serum in hand, when you said... you said you would kill her. You got out your lightsaber but Sabine couldn't fight back. She couldn't hurt you. You swung, and I thought that you were going to kill her, but... you didn't. You stopped. I think you fought back. Then she injected you, and she started crying. But then you were okay."

He smiles weakly at me, but I bury my face into my hands. I almost hurt Sabine?! I ALMOST HURT HER! I almost hit her with my lightsaber.

I cry. I try to keep it quiet, but the cries just come out. I hold myself, but then I feel something, Kanan put his arms around me, and holds me. I let all my feelings pour out with my tears.

After a couple minutes, I stop crying and lift up my head. I'm okay. I'm okay.

"Kanan!!!!!!" Hera screams, making me laugh, "alright, that's enough time. Let him rest."

"Heraaaaa," I say, "can't I see anyone? Like Sabine?" I let that slip out, making my cheeks turn slightly pink. Hera laughs.

"No, you can see her tomorrow. It's late."

I nod, putting my head on my pillow.

"Goodnight kid," Kanan says.

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