Chapter 21

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Sabines POV

I looked towards the figure standing there, looking horribly menacing with his red lightsaber in hand, and I shivered. Looking towards Ezra with fear in my eyes, his hand brushed the back of mine, bringing me back to my senses.

"Guys! Run!" I said, grabbing ahold of Ezra's hand. We heard the figure swing his lightsaber and start towards us. Was he an Inquisitor? He had to be. Unless... was he a sith? I blinked and focused on running, forced to let Ezra's hand go to keep up with the others.

Hera decided to shoot at it, but the shot only reflected off his lightsaber and just over our heads. Shooting wouldn't work.

"Running towards the docking bay!" Hera shouted. Adrenaline pulsed through me, urging me on. We ran past stormtroopers, who shot at us trying to slow us down. Ezra slowed down, attempting to protect us from the stormtroopers. All the hope that I had was slowly fading as more stormtroopers came, their lasers hitting walls and lights, causing bright sparks around us. The ship shifted to the left, and everybody slammed against the wall, slowing everyone down. The swing of a lightsaber made me wince, and I flashed a look behind me.

"Ezra!!!!" I screamed out towards him, pure shock on our faces. The red saber had pierced him through the stomach, and his face had turned white. Anger replaced hopelessness as I heard the dark laughing of the masked Sith. The stormtroopers quickly got up, but I shot a few straight down again.

Ezra fell to the ground, and Kanan finally noticed. He ran towards him, but was quickly stopped by the Siths lightsaber. They started fighting, and I ran towards Zeb while Hera, Zeb, Chopper, and I started shooting the stormtroopers. Zeb picked up Ezra, and the chase was on again.

I forced myself to be strong and we finally arrived to the docking bay. Chopper quickly unlocked a ship, and all of us loaded on except for Kanan, who was still fighting off the Sith. All of my thoughts were on Ezra, and I ran to his limp body. The hole in his stomach was burned and bloody, and the tears started streaming down my face. Zeb and Hera were still shooting, and the lasers were too loud, too close. They hit the ship, causing it to shake. Chopper was trying to get us out, and Kanan jumped in and shot at the stormtroopers. The ship shook more violently this time, and I screamed and fell next to Ezra.

"Stop it!!" I screamed at the stormtroopers, tears falling down my face. They didn't stop. "Ezra?" I whispered.

"Sabine, you know I don't like to see you sad." He said weakly, lifting up a hand to dry the tears off my face. "I'm not going to make it, and you know it. I'm sorry."

"No. You are," I said as I sobbed onto his shoulder. "You are."

"I love you," he said so quietly I could barely hear him, "don't forget me."

"I love you too, " I quieted down, "I will never forget you." I knew at that point he was going to die, and there was nothing I could do about it. I planted a kiss on his lips, and I felt his breathing stop.

"Ezra?!" I screamed, clutching onto his shoulders. The rest of the crew was sitting next to him, but I wasn't paying attention to them. My mind was filled with anger and pain and nothing else. I fell down, head in my hands, sobbing. Ezra couldn't be gone. No.

I pulled at my hair, trying to push out the pain in my heart, the anger and sadness I was drowning in. I stood up, and despite Hera trying to stop me, I made my way to the storage room where I smashed anything I could find. Nothing would help.

My hands were bleeding from the glass I broke that shattered on the ground, but I couldn't feel the tiny shards in my hands. I couldn't feel anything but the overwhelming sadness taking over my body, and I sat down in a corner, shaking, quiet tears streaming down my face, my messy hair stuck to my forehead. I moved it away, and I sat alone until Hera found me a few hours later.


We ended up finding the Ghost again on that hill on Lothal, but it looked pretty bashed up, probably from people trying to break in. I spend most of the time outside of the plains near the Ghost,  trying to ignore the pain in my heart. I didn't eat very much, and the rest of the crew was getting worried. I was like that for three months after Ezra's death. We buried Ezra near the village he grew up in on Lothal.

Eight months later

My hands shook as Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Chopper, and I make our way out of Lothal. The Empire found us hear, and destroyed a few of the towns we had helped. We found the other rebel crews, and we'll be staying with them for a while, according to Hera. We couldn't go back to Lothal for a while. The Ghost was attached to one of their ships, and there was a few other ships with us. I can't help but not completely trust them, they just found us and we barely know anything about them.

Hera and Kanan were telling the commander, Commander Sato (sorry if it's misspelled) about when Ezra sent the message from the radio tower all those months ago. It hurt knowing Ezra can't do anything like that again, and a quick flash of the lightsaber going through his chest went through my head. After they were done, Commander Sato said something about a giant break out from a couple prisons on Lothal that happened shortly afterwards. I thought nothing about it, they were probably people who got put in jail for standing up against the Empire.

People who stood up against the Empire.

Ezra's parents stood up against the Empire.

I stood up from the crates I was sitting on and quickly ran towards the conversation. All of a sudden this break out was a lot more important.

"Do you know anything about who made it out, or who lead the break outs?" I asked the Commander. I decided I could trust them with this one thing for now. But After I asked the question, it seemed stupid and foolish to think Ezra's parents were involved. They were probably executed or put in another prison where  they can't stand up against the Empire.

"No." He replied, "why?"

"Well," I said, nervousness shooting through my body, "Ezra's parents were put in prison for sending transmissions out against the Empire, and I just thought they might've known about his transmission and got inspired or something. I know, I'm probably wrong but I just had that idea-"

"No, ideas are always welcome. I can ask to see if they know anything."

I nodded at him and shakily walked away, back into my room. I haven't spent much time in here, mostly from the picture of Ezra on the wall, drawn when he got captured.

When Ezra got captured by the Empire, I had hope he was coming back, and that he was going to be all right. But that hope was also brought down, just because I didn't know. I didn't know if he was still alive, or if he was being tortured or hurt. I didn't know if we could save him.

But now that he's dead, I know. I know that he's never coming back, and that he's probably happy up in heaven, or wherever you go when you die. It hurt the most a few minutes after his death from that horrible evil thing in a mask, I soon found out was a Sith. It also took a few days to actually process he's never coming back. After that giant storm of grief came, it slowly got a bit better. It still hurts horribly at some points, but I know that it will all be okay again. Maybe not okay like it was with Ezra, but okay enough that we can keep on living.

I'm not sure how the others took it, but they'll be okay, just as I will be. We'll continue the battle against the Empire, and I hope I will be alive to see the Empire brought down.

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