The Dark Side

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Ezra's POV

The Inquisitor jabbed the needle into my neck and I wince as it pricks my skin. When he pulls it out, he starts laughing evilly. I fall to the ground as the serum flows through my blood. Everything hurts, and my head is spinning. I'm turning to the dark side. I try fight it, but it consumes me.

All I hear is the Inquisitor's laugh and my pulse. But there's also another voice.

Give in to the dark side, Ezra. Give in.

The dark creepy voice makes me even more dizzy, but I don't give in. I try to stop shaking, I try stop being dizzy. But I can't do it much longer. I see the Inquisitor's blurry face in front of mine, and he kicks me.

I fall to the ground, and then everything goes black.

Sabines POV

After Hera and I get back to the Ghost, I go to my room, either painting or sleeping or just sitting there.

It's been like this for three days. I want Ezra back. I need Ezra back. It's not just emotional pain, it's physical. I feel like my head hurts and I'm breaking from the inside out. Knowing he isn't safe is making me crazy. Especially since I can't do anything about it at all.

Ezra's the only thing on my mind.

All the time, it's Ezra. No matter what. But then something happens.

"Ezra!!" I hear someone yell. Kanan. I run out of my room and knock on Kanans door.

"Kanan," I yell, "what's wrong? Let me in!" He opens the door, looking shaken. Heras soon by my side, with a puzzled look.

"Love," she says,"what's wrong?" He walks out of the room, Hera and I following him. When he sits down, I cross my arms.

"I was meditating," he says,"and I was trying to connect to Ezra through the Force, but... but I couldn't. Something was blocking him..."

"What was it?" I whisper.

"It was... it was... the dark side," I almost can't hear the last part, he said it so quiet. Just hearing it sends shivers through my body.

"Wha... what's that?" I ask, and Kanan shakes his head.

"The dark side is... is the evil side of the Force," he whispers, and he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. I'm filled with fear and dread. What did they do to him..

"Oh," I look away, and I feel a tear slip down my face, "can we help him? At all?"

"It depends. I know Ezra wouldn't just turn to the dark side in three days, they must've done something to him."

My heart jolts in my chest, and I have to sit down. I knew they would hurt him physically, although I hate it, I knew. But changing his personality, his mind? It scared me more. I nod to Kanan and walk to my room.

Ezra, turning evil? I couldn't imagine it.

The Inquisitor's on the dark side. With his creepy yellow eyes and his red light saber. I always thought he was just a Jedi working for the Empire.

Were they going to turn Ezra into someone like the Inquisitor?

My head starts hurting, so I lay down on my bed. I close my eyes and relax, but part of me won't calm down. It hurts, it has been since we've gotten on the Ghost, leaving Ezra behind.

After a couple minutes, I fall asleep.

Ezra and I were talking at breakfast, when he grabbed my hand and pulled my off the Ghost. I laugh as we run through the fields, falling over things. My smiles so bright, and Ezra's is even brighter.

But then an Empire ship came and landed next to us, and I hid. Ezra stood there, and when the Inquisitor came out, they talked.

I tried to get his attention, but he was to focused on the Inquisitor to notice. Then all of a sudden, the Inquisitor gets out his light saber and stabbed Ezra in the heart.

I scream, but then Ezra gets up again. The Inquisitor smiles and waves at me, walking back to his ship. When the ship is gone, I run to Ezra, who is crouching on the ground.

"I hope you like it on the Ghost without me. I never liked it anyways. I really hated you, Sabine, more then the others." Ezra says. And I take a step backwards.

"Ezra?" I whisper, and he jumps up and puts a red light saber next to my throat. His eyes are yellow, just like the Inquisitor. He lifts up they light saber and I fall to the ground. Then he swings the light saber toward me-

I wake up gasping, and I clutch my pillow. I couldn't get Ezra's words out of my head, the words he said on the Empire ship when we were trying to get to him.

His yellow eyes haunted me for the rest of the night, and I didn't sleep at all.

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