Starting Line

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A small island came into view. Miles of shimmering blue water surrounded it. Cascading waterfalls, caverns, Loopty loops, and ramps littered the area. A blue blur Whizzed past, shooting off a ramp onto the next island. It continued its way up a bridge, into a small house, and gently doinked against a sleeping owl.

The owl, startled from her nap, looked at the person who disrupted her sleep. The small blue form of a hedgehog uncurled from his ball, giggling as he did so.

"(Y/N), someone could have seen you." Her voice carried a warm yet concerned tone

(Y/N): "Don't worry Longclaw, no one saw me! I'm too fast! And I wanted to bring you this."

The young hedgehog pulled a sunflower from his quills. She smiled and reached out her wing to grab it before stopping.

Echidnas aimed their bows and spears at the (Y/N), waiting for the right moment to strike.

Longclaw leaped forward and grabbed (Y/N). using her forward momentum to close the door shut with her talons. Spears and arrows came crashing through the windows and some spearing through the door. The owl jumped out window and flew between the trees for cover, but a stray arrow pierced her side and she came crashing down.

She tucked (Y/N) safely between her wings as she landed into the dirt. She picked up (Y/N) and stood him in front of herself.

Longclaw: "Listen carfully (Y/N). You have a power unlike anything I've seen before, and that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden."

The elder owl pulled a ring from her pouch and threw it to her side. The ring expanded and created a portal.

"This world is on the far side of the universe, you should be safe there."

(Y/N): "B-But I don't wanna go without you."

Longclaw: "You must. These rings will be your most valuable possession-"

Pounding footsteps resounded closer and closer. The echidnas were gaining on them.

Longclaw: "If you are ever discovered, use one. And never stop running. Now go!"

(Y/N) moved as fast as his little feet could carry him. He took one last glance at Longclaw, echidnas charged her at all sides, her wings were defensively held up for her final moments.

(Y/N): "LONGCLAW NO!!!!"

He dropped the bag of rings and sprinted towards the portal. Longclaw turned to (Y/N), saying her final goodbye.

Longclaw: "Goodbye (Y/N)."

(Y/N: "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

The portal dissipated, leaving the distraught hedgehog all alone in the dark woods.

Stars In The Sky (My Hero Academia x Male Sonic Reader )Where stories live. Discover now