Life or Death situation

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After the little meeting the two had in the bathroom, Midoryia had placed the blue hedgehog on his table, comparing the quill he had found to the hedgehog's very own.

Izuku: "It's a perfect match..."

Izuku walked to the counter to grab his phone.

(Y/N) woke up groggy and disoriented. Slowly, he rose from his laying position mop and watched Midoryia as he grabbed his phone.

Midoryia turned back to see the intruder awake and standing. He got in a defensive stance, reading himself for whatever the hedgehog would do.

(Y/N): "Broccoli Boy?"

Izuku: "W-Who are you...and are you here abduct me!"

(Y/N): "You abducted me!"

Izuku: "You broke into MY house! Why did you break anyway?"

(Y/N): "I needed somewhere safe. And you're the only person I could think of, Broccoli Boy."

Izuku: "Why do you keep calling me Broccoli Boy?"

(Y/N): "...Have you taken a look in the mirror?"

Izuku: "...Ouch"

(Y/N): "Wait, wait, wait. Where are all the mushrooms? Why am I still on Earth? What is-Oh, no! I lost my Rings!"

Izuku: "Your what?!"

They both turned to the sound of a large vehicle approaching. Midoryia glanced out the window, a black truck parked right outside the apartment complex.

Izuku: "What's happening? Are those your friends? I'm not afraid to call the police."

(Y/N): "You think you're worried? I'm not even wearing pants!"

(Y/N) looked outside the window and yelp before closing the blinds.

(Y/N): "They're coming for me!"

Izuku: "Who's coming for you? Is it the League Of Villians?"

(Y/N): "I don't have time to explain, but you have to help me!"

Midoriya stared at the small hedgehog, his perception of the stranger changed as he stared into his pleading eyes. What used to be a suspicious stranger who snuck into his house was now a scared civilian who needed help.

Izuku: "Okay, I'll help. Come with me."

(Y/N): "Really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

(Y/N) excitedly followed the green-haired boy to his attic where he placed him at the top of the stairs as the doorbell rang.

Izuku: "All right, stay here. And be quiet."

(Y/N): "Good plan. Great plan! We're already working so well together! Practically finishing each other's sentences."

Midoriya gave the hedgehog a bewildered stare before leaving.

(Y/N): "O-Okay, bye."

Midoriya walked to the front door and opened it. He was greeted by a man in black with a mustache from the civil war.

Izuku: "Hello, can I help you?"

"Good evening, my urban chum. I'm...from the power company, investigating the blackout. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings inside your house?"

Izuku: "No kidding! You're from the power company? You must know my neighbor Gimei. He's one of their best men."

"Ah, Gimei. He's a good man."

Izuku: "Yeah. Come on in!"


The man stepped forward and into the doorway before Midoryia stopped him.

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