Day in the life

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It was an average day in Musutafu, heroes walked their usual patrol routes, kids played together, adults got ready for another day of boring office work, and a small turtle ran away from its pet shop...wait what!

A small turtle slowly moved its away across the street from its pet shop, clearly trying to make an escape of some sort. A smile crossed the turtles face as it gradually got closer to the sidewalk but a car was coming, the driver not knowing they were going to make a turtle pancake.

Just before the turtle was crushed, a blue blur sped past, taking the turtle with it. It zoomed into an alleyway to stay hidden from anyone. The blue blur was none other than (Y/N), older but definitely not wiser.

(Y/N): "Whoa, buddy! You almost got yourself killed out there. What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie?"

He gently patted the turtles head with his finger.

" It must be rough being slow all the time. Tell you what. Blue Justice knows just what you need."

(Y/N) ran down the streets of the city at blistering speed, the turtle laid in his hands, seeming to enjoy the ride.

(Y/N): "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Have you ever felt so alive?!"

He outstretched his arms, letting the turtle get the full experience.

"This is great! You're doing amazing!"

The turtle flew right out of his hands

"Oh geez!"

He ran back and grabbed to turtle out of the air, then continued running through the city.

"Good recovery!"

The hedgehog blasted forward.

(Y/N) and the turtle were now in the woody outskirts of town. He set the shaking turtle down on the ground.

(Y/N): "Let's keep this our little secret, okay? You never saw me. I was never here."

The blue hedgehog was gone in a flash, running to his house from the trunk of a tree. He landed on a bean bag and started dancing, singing, and messing around in his cave.

"What did you expect? A dirty little hedgehog eating berries and struggling to survive? Think again. Because I am living my best life on Earth. I've got a library,"

He read all the top selling Shonen manga in a matter of seconds.

" a home gym,"

He ran inside a dryer he had "borrowed".

"and a state-of-the-art security system."

(Y/N) waved nunchucks around before smacking himself in the face.

The young hedgehog picked up a ping pong paddle and played by himself, moving to each side to hit back to himself. The game increased in intensity as he had fun until he accidentally smacked the small satchel to the ground, spilling out several rings.

(Y/N): "Oh, no!"

He quickly gathered the rings and put them back in the satchel. He picked up the fallen the piece of paper that feel with the satchel, revealing it to be a map.

"And if I'm ever discovered, I'll follow Longclaw's instructions and use my Rings to escape to a new planet."

(Y/N) holds a ring up to the map, perfectly aligning it with a different planet.

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