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Nezu, All Might, Midnight, Present Mic,Vlad King, and Snipe sat in their respective chairs, listening to what Tsukauchi had to say.

Tsukauchi: "Hours ago, an energy surge knocked out power across Musutafu,  and reached all the way to Tokyo. So far we don't much other than it could be EMP."

All Might: "But electromagnetic pulses don't have that kind of power."

Midnight: "And all the Utility Companies we have contacted so far have said it's not a power malfunction."

Vlad King: "Well, sounds like we're really good at figuring out what it wasn't."

Present Mic: "This could be the start of a another attack from the League of Villains."

Nezu: "Maybe. This calls for a much more sophisticated mind. Someone who has the resources to scour the city and beyond; and I know just the man."

All Might: "Who are suggesting?"

Nezu: "He's a man who works with the United States government, named Julian Ivo Robotnik. He's known for his revolutionary tech but I hear he's also got quite the ego."

Tsukauchi: "I you sure this 'Robotnik' is the right man for the task?"

Nezu: "I believe so. Is tech could be the key to solving this mystery. Tsukuachi, I would like for you and your men to meet him on his arrival, lend a hand, see what type of man he is and if we can trust him."

Tsukauchi: "Understood. I'll get my squad on it."

Tsukauchi and the police were investigating the U.A. P.E. Grounds, trying to find anything they could use as evidence. Civilians and the press grouped up at the front gate, trying to get answers about the blackout when a black truck pulled up. People moved out of the way as the truck came to a halt.

A fold-out staircase opened and a man wearing black suit and shades walks out, another man in a black suit following him.

Tsukauchi stared at the pair as they moved toward him.

Tsukauchi: "This must be the person Principal Nezu was talking about." He thought.

"Are you charge here?" The man said.

Tsukauchi: "Yes, I am-"


Tsukauchi: "My-"


Tsukauchi: "name-"

"I'm in charge!

Tsukauchi: is Detective-"


Tsukauchi: "Tsukau-"

"I'm in charge." He whispered mockingly.

The man pointed his badge.

"You've never seen anything like this before. It says I'm the top banana in a world full of hungry little monkeys. Allow me to clarify." He moved his body in a robotic like manner, then continued. "In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on a level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify. Agent Stone?"

Agent Stone: "The doctor thinks your basic."

The doctor pressed buttons on the control panels built into his glove.

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