Tokyo Drift

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Back in the bar, Dr. Robotnik and Agent Stone are interrogating the patrons of the bar. workers were installing a new window for the Piston Pit while Robotnik and Agent Stone interview the thug from the night before.

Agent Stone: "Did he say where he was going?"

Takes a picture of Midoriya from Agent Stone and looks at it.

Thug: "Maybe. Maybe not. Like I'd ever tell you.

He hands the photo back. Robotnik Gently pushes Agent Stone aside and stands in front of the hulking man.

Dr. Robotnik: Stand down, Agent Stone. This well-meaning citizen obviously doesn't understand the urgency of the matter.

The Thug stands up and looks Dr. Robotnik dead in the eyes.

Thug: "Really?"

Robotnik gives the thug a smug grin. The Thug goes flying out the window repaired window.

Dr. Robotnik: "Now that's what I call good cop, bad cop."

As Robotnik and Agent Stone leave the Piston Pit, he holds his hand out and Agent Stone goes for a high five, but Robotnik tricks Stone and punches him in the abdomen.

Dr. Robotnik: "Hoi! Left yourself open."

Robotnik walks away while Agent Stone gasps for air.

Back in the truck, Robotnik was working to find out where Midoriya and (Y/N) were.

Dr. Robotnik: "Judging by the quickest route to the Musutafu airport, the approximate speed of their vehicle and local weather conditions... " He pressed a few buttons on his control panel. "They should be... right about... here."

The image of the road map zooms in and shows Midoriya's car on the tracking.

Agent Stone: "That's brilliant, sir."

Dr. Robotnik: Thanks...for nothing.

(Y/N) and Midoriya continue their drive to the airport.

(Y/N): "So, what's on your bucket list?

Midoriya: "Who, me?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?"

Midoriya: "Well, sure, but, I mean, you're the one leaving Earth, and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."

(Y/N): "Don't be so sure. Your best friend is a magnet for danger."

Midoriya: "Well, I wouldn't use best friend, but-"
(Y/N): "W-What do you mean?"

Midoriya: "It's just a little presumptuous, but...I mean...What, no, I-I like you, of course, but, you know, I wouldn't say were best friends."

(Y/N): "You tucked me in last night. Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friend."

Midoriya: " I would probably say Tokoyami or Asui- I mean Tsu."

(Y/N): "Okay. Let's drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list. Give it to me!"

Midoriya: "Well, for all my life, I've looked up to heroes like All Might. Watching All Might save people with a smile, bringing hope and safety to everyone, that's all I've ever wanted to be. And now I have a chance to be the hero that brings smiles to the people protect."

(Y/N): "Woah, I just got goosebumps. I was expecting something like going to Olive Garden, but that's way cooler."

Midoriya: "I'm grateful to everyone who's supported me along the way, even the ones I didn't know about until now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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