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The blonde receives a letter,a reply from the noble lady's parents

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The blonde receives a letter,
a reply from the noble lady's parents.

"Noble lady."
The blonde calls
as he gives the letter
to the lady,
who was taking a small break
from cleaning the haiden.

"Thank you, Kami!"
The lady says
and quickly
reads the letter.

My sweet Y/N,

Your father and I
are delighted to know
about your reason
for disappearance.
Do good in your stay
in the shrine.
The man you are to be wedded
is nowhere to be seen
as of this moment.
His family said
he had run off
after hearing his engagement.

Worry not,
I am sure the Bakugo family
will resolve this.
Until then,
take your time
in the shrine.

Love, Mother

You are to be wedded
by a man named Bakugo?"

The lady shrieks
in surprise.

"I apologize
for my rudeness.
But was I right?"
The blonde asks.

"Sadly, yes."
The lady answers.

I have heard
of that name.
The Bakugo family
is undoubtedly rich,
why deny
of that betrothal?"
The blonde asks.

"It is because
there is no love
between us.
The man does not love me
and loves another,
and I do not love him
and is still searching
for a lover."
The lady says
and folds the letter,
putting it in her yukata.

"You wealthy people
certainly have
different problems
from commoners.
Noble lady,
the world is harsh.
With little money,
you will barely live.
Without it,
you will not survive.
Marrying off a rich sod
can provide you
with a variety of things."
The blonde replies,
watching as the lady
continues to wipe off
dust from the altar.

"I deeply apologize,
if it seems
as if I have offended
But I wish
for genuine love,
And I will not seek
for more."
The lady answers.

"You are one
foolish noble."

"Call me foolish
as you wish, Kami.
But is it wrong
to seek love,
the way commoners
seek wealth to survive?"
The lady questions,
which made the man
turn quiet.

"I have been fooled
many times
because of my money.
They all pursue me
for wealth
that is not mine
but my father's.
Which is why
I seek your shrine,
To bestow me genuine love,
for I have felt tired
being fooled upon."
The lady says
with sadness in her voice.

"Noble lady,
in this world,
you can not find
true love."
The blonde only says.

"But Kami,
even Sakura,
loved a tree
and merged with him.
Do the cherry blossoms
in spring
not tell you of such
eternal love?"
The lady says.

"That is only
a fable, noble lady.
If you seek love
so much,
then be one
with a tree!"

The noble lady only laughs
at the blonde man.
we seem to have
Have you not experienced
true love?"
She asks,
her eyes travel
to the man,
sparking with curiosity.

The man,
a bit lost in her eyes,
shook his head
and looked away.

I have not.
But I
do not seek it,
for love
is such a mundane thing
in this world."


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