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The blondeand the ladywoke up the next day

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The blonde
and the lady
woke up the next day.

I wish
to stroll around the village
whilst the sun
has not reached its prime."
The lady says
and folds the futon.

"Then we shall."
The blonde says
and wears his straw hat.

The both of them
had gone out of the small inn
and began their walk
around the calm village.

Every step the lady takes
gives her heart
a tingly sensation,
as if walking beside the man
is the reason for that feeling.

forgive me for my intrusion,
but why have you gone to the shrine
and lived there?"
The lady asks.

"I have lost
both my parents,
lady Y/N.
I have nowhere to go
and I do not want
to be a servant of nobles.
I ran away from the village
and to the mountains,
and found the shrine
all dusty and shoddy."
The blonde says,
reminiscing his years
when he had lost his family.

"I am sorry,
I should not have asked.
Please forgive me."
The lady says
and feels guilty.

"It is fine,
lady Y/N.
I have fooled you
for so long,
it is only right
that you know something
about me."
The man says
and gives the lady
a comforting smile.

The woman grins back
but immediately looks away after,
as she felt bashful
at the sight of the handsome man's smile.

The blonde
felt the overwhelming tug
of his chest
when he saw the lady's smile
and he looked away as well.

"Lady Itsuka,
we do not know that man!
Let us leave him alone!"

Let go of me this instant,
lady Shiozaki!"

The blonde man
flinches as he hears
the ruckus behind him
and the lady.
"Lady Y/N,
let us go back to the shrine,
the sun is beginning
to puncture us."
The man says
and ushers the lady
to walk faster.

"Neito?! Neito!
That is you,
am I right?!
That is him!
I am certain!"

"Lady Itsuka,
calm down, please.
It is impossible
for that man to be Neito.
we shall go back to our place."

That is your name,
is it not?"
The lady asks the blonde man beside him
as they had exited the village.

but they must have mistaken me
as someone else."
The blonde man replies
and reassuringly smiles
at the lady.

"I apologize
that our stroll
has been cut short."
The blonde adds.

"It is fine.
It would have been too excruciating
to walk back to the shrine
at noon."
The lady says.

you are right,

I am not a blind woman!
I know that is Neito!
My eyes do not lie!
Have you not missed Neito
since he disappeared?!"

The loud shriek
from the ginger haired woman
was too impossible
for the blonde and the lady
not to hear.
The blonde
ushers the lady once more
to fasten the pace.

I am worried so..."
The lady says
as she gazes at the man beside her.
But his expression was stiff.

It was silent throughout
their journey.
They reached the shrine
and bowed at the torii gate.
The blonde spoke.

"They were my friends."


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