Chapter 9

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The Great Fairy didn't unleash her ghoulish cackle. Rather, her eyes lowered to look at me in bitter sorrow. It made my legs turn to jello and I collapsed to my knees, shaking. She knew what he did, and so did I. Except only I knew the true extent of the damage done. She wouldn't be able to measure the horror.

The gentle lady set to her feet and knelt, putting her plump hands to my tear-streaked face. I flinched at the touch, afraid of being slapped. The Great Fairy set her hands down and gazed at me.

Pity, of course. I was bawling my eyes out in front of an almost-Goddess. As though I've known her for years and she was my best friend. I didn't. I only knew her children when the time came to play at dusk. I've never been in the presence of the Merciful One myself.

"Dear child... A sweet soul like you doesn't deserve such trauma..." The Great Fairy whispered, returning to the air and above her fountain. "While I cannot truly heal internal wounds, the most I can offer is my guide and peace..."

I looked up at her, watching as she went up to the air and bobbed in it. Peace? So long as Dark Link is alive, I wouldn't be able to remember that again. I put my hands in front of me and watched as they wavered, stained with blood. I set my eyes upon the Fairy once again and coughed.

The vision of pure forestry green engulfed my senses and sparkled around me. It felt nice- the warmth I was placed in. Much better than the freezing arms of my tormentor.

"Act like you can't see the phantom, Y/n."

The thought came and went alongside the light.

"Comfort for the night, my dear. I cannot stay for long, Nayru calls for me." Said the Great one. I gave a mere nod and slowly curled up. At least my insides no longer hurt... Yet I can still sense the motherly knowledge of something else there. It wasn't gone, but the pain was. That's what mattered most. "Young Y/n... Please, come visit."

There she goes- gone, as expected. Why must the Goddess take her away? Can't I be comforted for as long as I need? No? Of course not. I'm just a simple girl with the Hero of Time as a lover. What's new?

The fairies brought over a dress for me to wear. I let out a long sigh of relief and quickly retired the clothes Dark had given me to wear. Finally, something that isn't crusted with blood, or that doesn't belong to him!

I pulled the f/c dress over myself and held it to my body. I must've looked like I was in heaven-- because I am. Clean clothes, nice clothes, safe clothes. Something just for me. It lifted the corners of my mouth. I'm not sure if I want to take it off even while bathing... It's perfect...

The children giggled and floated around. Some spun quickly, others sat on my shoulders for a break.

"Sing, sing! Sing at lake!" One begged, tugging my air and trying to get me outside.

I didn't want to, Dark Link might come! The fairies were relentless and I eventually gave in, allowing them to lead me into the open. I took a breath of fresh air and looked around the area. Nothing but me, the fairies, the stars, and the waters of the lake.

"Sing, sing!" They begged again, nudging me over and over again. I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. I rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck, taking a deep breath.

"Look in the sky, what do you see?" I started, my voice cracking slightly from its soreness. "So many colours, please just breathe..."

Once I got the slight hang of it, I went a bit louder. "Hold onto, your memories! The little things in life, they won't be there forever and it'll bring great strife!"

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