Chapter 12

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I'm sorry about the long wait. It's hard for me to find the right words when describing actions in the first person, so I'll be switching to the third person for more comfort for myself and the simple ability to continue righting and providing more description. I've also been going through family issues and problems with school, so I just don't have as much time anymore. That being said, please enjoy!

Her torturer only glanced at the poor girl with a smirk and mixed the ingredients, continuing with the music she sang at the lake so many years ago. Knowing he was watching, even then, only tormented Y/n further. Had Navi not been in her arms, she would've sprinted as far away from their little cottage as possible.

As her breathing got heavier, so did the tears ready to fall from her eyes. Navi leaning onto her chest only felt like another bag of rocks to carry. It was everything she could do to avoid dropping from the pressure.

When Y/n could find her voice, though still shaky, she said that she'd, "Go tuck Navi in bed." It was mostly a reason to escape those awful blood moons on his horrendous face.

She headed towards the room, trying to maintain a calm posture despite a waterfall ready to burst over the dams. When she was able to shut and lock the door, the flood broke out. Like rushing water, it was loud and seemingly neverending. Deadly.

Y/n set Navi into the little cradle 'Link' made and covered her up. She rocked it slowly and steadily as the kid had woken up whilst being put onto it. The toddler went to sleep again, unaware of the absolute hell that her mother was being put through.

Meanwhile, the innocent soul started brushing frantically at her hair, hard enough one would think she was trying to comb out the traumatic memories. That was not the goal, however. It was a desperate attempt to feel like her mom was doing her hair like she always did as a kid. If only Y/n could send a letter, asking to come over.

If it meant no danger to either of her parents, that's exactly what she would do. They haven't visited since she moved out of Hytopia and into the Wonderland that was supposed to be Hyrule. It only became a wasteland since Dark Link appeared, removing all of its precious beauty.

Maybe she can move home. Only just a thought, assuming Dark Link is okay with it. But that'd mean bringing him along... Putting her family at risk, she can't have that!

Knock, knock, knock...

That rhythmic pattern was all too familiar now. Whilst she once thought it was Links, she now recognized it as Darks. The same beat that told her he wanted to enter. But if he does, he could do cruel things to her child, or her own body.

If she doesn't allow entry, though... "Come in..." Y/n said, voice just above a whisper. "Navi's in bed, Dark Link. So be quiet..."

The man of shadows understood. He enjoys the silence of the night. It's what he was born and raised in, after all. "I know, dearest... That's why I think it'd be best if we leave the room so she can rest..."

Leaving her daughter alone? Is this some sort of cruel trick?! Even if he wasn't there, Dark could still send monsters to attack her precious baby! Then what would there be left to live for? Everything she's ever known would just become part of an illusion!

"...Okay." Y/n had to agree with him. If Navi died, she'd go with her. Dark Link won't keep her away from her child forever. Try as he might, a mother's love can't be separated by any tide, big or small. "How about we check on the cookies... Wouldn't be surprised if they're getting burnt..."

"Don't be silly, I took them out earlier!" He laughed. Charming, but once again still frightening. A simple gesture wouldn't be enough to apologize for the past, nor change the future. Yet here he is, thinking being nice after a lifetime of evil can solve everything. That's how it tends to go, doesn't it? "How about we go to the lake? I'd love to hear your precious singing!"

The mother sighed softly and looked at their daughter. "We need to head to castle town, actually. Navi is just about to grow out of her clothes again, and will also need a new bed, and room. She's getting too old to be sleeping in here." Y/n pointed out. She didn't want to go to the lake during the daytime. She would only ever go at night, when her fairy friends can protect her from the clouds of darkness that followed wherever she decided to go.

Dark Link nodded in agreement and took a hold of Y/n's hand. "In that case, we'll wait till she wakes up. Then the child can pick out her own clothing. How about we drink some wine?"

Ever since the prince had raped the young lady, she would sometimes go and drink wine to clear the memories. It was a nasty habit, but at least she would only do so when things got too severe for her to handle by herself.

She was about to say yes, because who in their right mind would turn something like that down? Yet at the same time, if her defences were lowered enough, Dark Link could have his way and knock her up with another child again. Choices to be made. Consequences to either yes or no. With him being around, it might even be a life sentence. So she chose the safest route possible.

"Yeah, I could use a glass..." She yawned, going to the kitchen to grab a bottle from the cupboard. It smelled a bit odd. That'd mean it's more fermented, so she would get drunk off it a bit faster than regular wine.

She poured herself a cup and got one for Dark Link as well. When he's drunk, or from what she's seen, he tends to be lovey and excessively kind. Exactly what she needs and wants from him, and hopefully what she'll continue to receive. Maybe bringing it up with him and seeing how he reacts would be enough to push him in the right direction... Especially if she's going to have to deal with him for the rest of his life.

Dark Link took his glass and took a small sip from it. "You know... I've been wondering if you wanted to have another child?"

Wine spilt all over the floor.


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