Chapter 11

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"Hi lovey!"

The moment the drowning voice reached my ears, my body tensed as my mind scrambled, attempting to process what had happened. Malon faded away, a mere illusion created by the devil himself. When I looked at my daughter, relief flooded through when she didn't turn out a facade I had believed in.

"Look at our beautiful daughter... You raised her well, Y/n..." Dark Link whispered, looking at the little girl that, by blood, belonged to him. Us. That we created, whether or not her creation has consented. "Or, should I say, we raised her so well..."

I shivered as his breath hit my ear. That meant that Link was somewhere else, and everything I thought I cherished turned out to be everything I knew had traumatized me so. Dark Link was the one I spent all those loving nights with. The person that I cried on, laughed with- my Romeo!

Yet as he held me, treating me like his Juliet, his forever lover. I couldn't help but fear what he could do; who knows how far he'd go in front of my little girl! It would be a miracle should he leave her innocence spared. Then would be the few chances I'd thank him.

"Mama?" Navi tilted her head. She didn't understand why 'papa' was such a dark colour pallet. If only she knew the danger, the terror that could come from this man alone. I pray he isn't a paedophile; she doesn't deserve to go through the same mental torture I did. Hardly able to give anyone, including who I thought was Link, the drowning bliss.

I took a breath and softly rubbed my thumb in circles on Dark Link's hand. To keep him calm and not hurt our baby girl. "Yes... Mommies right here..." And so that Navi doesn't freak, of course.

The toddler waddled over to us, unaware of what could happen to her. She wrapped her arms around my legs and smiled up at me. "We make cookies later?"

Before I could give her an answer, Dark Link spoke before me. "Yes Navi, we're gonna make cookies later." He let go of me and allowed me to return the weak but familiar hug. "Isn't that right, mom? I bet they'll taste really yummy, baby!"

Dark swiftly picked her up with an, "Argh!" And set her on his shoulders. Navi squealed in delight and stole his hat, placing it on her hair. Just like she did with Link... Or, well, who I thought was Link, but turned out to be a murderer!

"Well um... Should I... Start making the dough..?" I asked, shifting my legs. Dark thought for a bit and nodded. Navi was now playing with his hair, acting like that's Link...

"Papa! Ppphhhhttttt..." The girl nommed on his head, getting her drool everwhere.

"Before you ask my dear Y/n, whenever you're not around, Navi sees me like this. Now who wants to help mommy make cookies?" Dark gently threw my sweet babe in the air.

I jumped in to catch her, the motherly adrenaline kicking up to protect our child. Dark merely laughed at this and shook his head. "You're such a good mama. Not only my baby mama, but a mother to our sweet princess..."

Navi blepped and hung onto me, not reaching for 'daddy' thank Hylia. "And you're a good dad." I forced out, hating those words on the tip of my tongue. Even if it was somewhat the truth. He still lied to and forced that girl into me. "Now let's go get the cookies ready... Together, yeah?"

"Yeah..." I rocked our little girl and took her inside. Dark, unfortunately, followed us in. Then again, we shared a home for the past few years without me realizing it until it was too late...

I set Navi on the counter where she kicked her little feeties. "Awwww, cutie patootie!" I booped her nose and got out the ingredients.

"I'll grab the materials, lovey..." Dark grabbed the bowls and spatula. While I was still getting the tools, he played peekaboo with Navi. He's doing a good job, I guess... At least she can have a good life... She can learn about how bad her papa was when she's old enough; if either of us lives to tell or learn.

At least Dark Link is helping with something... Better than him sitting there and ordering us around. Hopefully he'll stay gentle with us, and not become unmerciful and abusive. Maybe he changed? Or is he manipulating us to trust him? We'll never know, but we need to stay safe. From him.

I set the ingredients on the counter and looked at Dark Link, who had just bonked his head on the cabinet door looking for the cinnamon. The one thing I forgot to grab, the most important ingredient my mother always included, the perfect spice... I forgot about it. But he... Didn't? Does he really love me so much he remembers something like that- no, no... It's him manipulating me, I can't fall into it...

He set it with the other materials. "Guessin' you forgot, love?" Dark chuckled and kissed my cheek, leaving me paralyzed from the cool lips on my burning skin. I couldn't move. Just think about the sudden smooch that brought me back to the days when he kidnapped me. Tortured me. Stopped me from living out my life the way I planned to.

"Mama make cookies!" Navi shouted, snapping me out of my flashback. If there's anything I'm grateful for, it's her helping me stay away from those awful memories. She was looking me dead in the eyes with her pouty face that I can't help but fall prey to.

I picked her up and handed her the spoon. "We are, don't worry baby! You're gonna be stirring!" I got a squeal in response.

"So uh... How much butter is needed, Y/n? And sugar? And um... What do I put in first-" Dark asked with a beet-red face. Naturally, my mom instincts kicked in and I arranged the ingredients to their separate accounts. How does he not know how to make cookies? Oh right! He can barely make rice!

"First you need two cups of brown sugar, add in three-quarters of the margarine, an egg, and a teaspoon of vanilla. Ta-ta?" I stared at him, making sure he comprehended everything. I wasn't about to say it again unless Navi wanted to know. That boy better know how to listen, and how to listen well if he wants even a small chance with me.

"Yes ma'am..." Dark link poured the ingredients into the first bowl and looked at me to make sure he did it right. Me and Navi gave a nod of approval.

"Now, the other bowl, is two cups of flour, one teaspoon of baking soda, and a pinch of salt."

I watched him, making sure that boy did exactly as told. Not adding too much, nor too little. Just the right amount, as the recipe is instructed.

Dark looked back at me to make sure he was pouring it in properly. "Am I doing this right, sweet rose?" He got a thumbs up. No words for him, he's not a good boy. "Okay..."

There he goes, with the sad, puppy-dog voice. That couldn't work on me, of course. Though, his voice worked on Navi as she yawned and rested her head on my shoulder.

He was... Singing? What song? Wait-

"Is that... My mother's song?"

I am deeply apologizing for the lack of updating and actual story. I've been struggling with my mental health a lot and not really able to focus much on this story. I'll continue updating, but I'm unsure of how often it would be.

Have a good day, see y'all in the next chapter!

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